Do Not Believe Advertisements When Looking Forward to Purchasing Green Bean Coffee Extracts

Whenever a product is endorsed by a celebrity, people tend to jump at the same and try to make purchases from every advertiser who could be promoting it. The celebrity promoting the product could have spoken about one, which is the best in the market. This will not be the case with other promoters who could be looking forward to selling substandard material just because it has been endorsed by a popular individual. Such instances also apply to products like green bean coffee extracts, which are fast becoming known as an effective weight loss remedy.
When people look forward to purchasing green bean coffee extracts, they must in the first place look out for reviews from people they know and can give them information on the brand they must choose. These supplements are often promoted as natural and without any side-effects. If people manage to get their hands on the right brand, they too will be in a position to make similar statements. However, if they fall for advertising gimmicks, they are likely to face some side-effects, which will leave them disappointed.
Side-effects associated with green bean coffee extracts are relatively minor. There have been reports about people suffering from stomach cramps after taking the supplements. Caffeine is present in all brands that are being sold. Some have the caffeine in limited quantities while others exceed the levels that have been recommended. When purchasing green bean coffee extracts it is recommended that people look into the caffeine content within the supplement which should not exceed eight mg. Unfortunately, a number of brands, which are sold, contain more than 40 mg, which is considered as excessive.
Any brand chosen must be able to deliver a minimum of 45 mg of chlorogenic acid. Brands that can exceed this limit are considered even better. Here again not all manufacturers conform to these standards and therefore, make the product ineffective.
Incorrect advertising is perhaps one of the biggest problems which people face when trying to benefit from the weight loss properties of green bean coffee extracts. People must understand that manufacturers are trying to capitalize on the demand which is being seen for this product. Obese Americans are trying various things and spending approximately $ 30 billion a year to reduce weight. Under the circumstances, it would not be difficult for them to fall for a product which claims that they can lose weight overnight without even having to indulge in any exercise. Things would have been fine if manufacturers had made an attempt to deliver an authentic product. With the reverse being true, the onus of finding a brand which will suit their requirements is left to the discretion of people. Therefore, advertisements are better forgotten, and proper research is recommended when people look forward to purchasing green bean coffee extracts.

Fit and Happy for Life (NO GUILT NEEDED!)

You ate a doughnut sitting in the break room at work (even though you swore up and down you wouldn't). You skipped the gym to meet friends for happy hour drinks (even though you said you would go five days this week). Now your whole week of fitness and healthy eating is a wash. And you are beating yourself up for it, right? How did I know? I have been there too; heck we have probably all been there at some point.
Kristin Neff, PhD associate professor of educational psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, observed how common it is for us to mentally punish ourselves this way, thinking we will shame ourselves into better behavior. But being our own Mean Girl is anything but productive.
In my early attempts to build a healthy lifestyle and fit body, I sacrificed my life for what I thought would make me happy. Days became structured around workouts and meal planning, preparation and timing. It became "all or nothing". One "bad" meal, one missed workout and I was a failure. I would beat myself up and chain myself to the treadmill. This attitude towards fitness began attracting attention. Social gatherings were difficult and family and friends questioned my eating habits.
Dedication became an obsession. Exercising and healthy eating was meant to enrich my life, not become my life.
As the old saying goes even "too much of a good thing can be bad". Striving to live a healthy lifestyle is one thing, letting it control your life is a whole new kind of beast. The moment your life is controlled by what you eat and how often you can get to the gym then it is time to reevaluate.
It was time for me to find a middle ground. Are you struggling with finding balance? Is it time to find your middle ground? What does that even mean?
Fitness and eating healthy should be associated with nothing but positive connotations. Exercise reduces stress and aids in maintaining a healthy weight. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables alongside whole grains and lean protein is the secret to living a long life. These are tools meant to make the things you enjoy doing even more enjoyable.
Middle ground is where you can enjoy a piece of birthday cake without worrying that it will make you gain weight. Middle ground is missing a workout without punishing yourself. Middle ground is not obsessing over the number on the scale.
Finding middle ground is NOT implementing the perfect diet plan or making a detailed workout regiment, but finding in the right mindset and also having self-compassion. A combination of the two can go a long way in motivating you.
"Self-compassion means being kind to yourself, especially when you make a mistake," said Neff. "As it turns out, caring about yourself is one of the best possible motivators for doing what's healthy for you rather than what's harmful to you."
Read more to learn how to be more compassionate with yourself and how to help find your middle ground.
First, drop the drill sergeant mentality. Stop using terms like "I have to... " and setting strict goals. You are setting yourself up to fall short and feel bad about it. Instead encourage yourself, like you would a friend. Neff says, "Motivate yourself to do the right thing not because you're inadequate, but because you want to be healthier, or land your dream job, or whatever your goal is. Keep your eyes on the prize, which is to be happy."
Jean Fain, a psychotherapist, at Harvard Medical School said, "Telling yourself mean things 'I shouldn't have eaten that,' 'I'm going to gain weight' is a setup for overindulging." This is because self-criticism stirs up negative emotions like anxiety and self-loathing, and we'll do whatever we can to get rid of them, like digging into the gallon of ice cream in the freezer. Next time you feel bad about eating a cookie, remember self-compassion. Instead of saying, "screw it" which could trigger overeating instead say "Its only ice cream. It is not the end of the world. Next meal I can go back to making healthier choices."

Why Do Ex-Athletes Get Fat?

Did you play high school sports? Maybe you played in College. A few may have played pro. So, what is a common follow-up to extended vigorous athletic activities? When you quit, you get fat.If you were like most, during your athletic years, you could take in massive amounts of calories and not gain a pound, or at least, not get fat. Your body became accustomed to handling a constant bombardment of food. Your digestive system was at peak efficiency and your metabolism was humming. Many athletes try to gain weight, especially if they play football or some other sport that encourages bulky muscles and maximum body mass. When an athlete is burning hundreds, if not, over 1000 calories per day exercising his or her muscles, it takes a lot of food just to maintain one's weight. To gain means even more daily calories. But what happens when athletics are over?For many of us, when the last game is played and the uniform is put away, one thing remains... our appetite. The body has become adept in dealing with large amounts of food intake and tends to rebel if we try to reduce meal sizes too soon. It is not uncommon for an athlete to gain 5 or 10 pounds within a few weeks of ceasing regular high-calorie-burn physical activity. It can be a real chore reining back your system from eating habits that have been in place for the last several years.So, is there a reasonable solution? Absolutely!First, you need to realize what is taking place. You're taking in more calories than your body can burn thus it's turning the excess into fat.Multiply your desired body weight times 14. This will give you an idea of how many calories are required to maintain your desired weight. Then start tracking how many calories you are currently taking in.Don't let your exercise habits fade away. You don't have to do huge amounts of exercise. You can do easy exercises on a regular schedule and get all you need. Try to design an exercise routine you can stick to for the rest of your life. If it's too hard you won't stick. Better to be too easy than too hard. Remember, "What can I do for the rest of my life?"Next, start conditioning your appetite. Slowly but surely, practice eating smaller meals. Track your daily intake for a few weeks and discover what works and what doesn't.When you are consciously trying to lose weight... never get in a hurry. Trying to rush your body into submission is a sure path to disaster. Be gentle and patient. If you are burning more calories that you take in, you are going to lose weight. And, if you're exercising as you go, you will not only lose weight faster, but your body will become stronger, more agile and much more attractive.It really takes quite a while for a person to become obese. Consequently, it can take time to reverse the trend. But, it is fairly easy and stress free.Warning! Never beat yourself up if you blow your eating plan every once in a while. Just make a mental note of it and get back on your normal routine as soon as possible. Don't make your eating plan too difficult to follow and don't make your exercise routing too rigid or strenuous to maintain. Simply, enjoy the ride.Practically everyone who is currently over-weight wishes he or she had followed a sensible plan of diet and exercise all along. I recently heard that obesity in America had overtaken heart disease as the number one health risk. The good news is, it is never too late to start getting healthier - losing weight and recovering your physical strength and pleasing appearance. Simply go easy and stay with it.

Is Coconut Oil The Ultimate Fat Burner For Weight Loss?

When I was working in the fitness industry, the amount of people that would ask me about fat burning and fat blocking products was unbelievable (think high caffeine and guarana). They generally speed up your metabolism which will come with longer term side effects. The reason for this is that they elevate your heart rate which will end up raising cortisol levels. If you know anything about cortisol then you will understand that this prompts the body to hang on to body fat (hint: I feel this is why stressed people struggle to loose weight).WHY COCONUT OIL FOR WEIGHT LOSS?Without trying to get technical, coconut oil is a saturated fatty acid that is predominately a MCT oil (medium-chain triglycerides). This is very different to most of the vegetable oils on the market today.The short and medium-chain fatty acids which can be found in coconut oil (and grass-fed butter which I use too), are sent directly to our liver and used directly for energy. So this means:1. It does not get stored in fat cells as easily as long-chain fatty acids, and produce ketones which gives us a steady source of energy 2. Enhances thermogenesis which increases fat burning 3. Helps eliminate food cravings with increased feelings of satietyAccording to Christine Cronau's book the Fat Revolution, there are studies of participants that were fed the same diet which was not designed for weight loss. But some of them were fed medium-chain fatty acids and they lost weight, whilst the weight in the rest of the group remained the same.It also compared diets with three types of fat intake. Low fat, monounsaturated fat and coconut oil. There was a 60% reduction in fat storage for the groups consuming coconut oil.SO WHATS THE MAGIC DOSAGE?If you do not consume many natural fats including coconut oil, start in small amounts or the toilet may come calling. Add a teaspoon to a smoothie, or if a sugar craving comes calling eat a teaspoon straight from the jar as this will kill those cravings. Cook with it or just start adding it to things where you usually wouldn't. I have it in a high fat smoothie most mornings.I consume up to 3-4 tablespoons of coconut oil a day. But I eat a low-carb and natural high fat diet, especially after getting my DNA results back.So if you are on a weight loss plan, eliminate sugar, grain, soy and all processed fats & oils. Increase your coconut oil up to 2-4 tablespoons a day for your steady source of energy and over time you will feel the magic happen!Do you use coconut oil? Are you worried about saturated fat? Are you a weight loss plan but are frightened of fat? Would love to hear your thoughts...

This Is More Fun Than Getting Fat!

What if in the next 3 weeks you designed and followed a very simple exercise routine? What if in the next 3 weeks you developed the habit of eating smaller meals? Essentially, you learned to "eat to live and not live to eat"? You might be amazed at how your body responds.If you start a tiny little, stress-free exercise routine and follow it daily for 21 days, you might just have created a habit that will benefit you for a lifetime. The key here is that it must be so easy that you have not reluctance in doing it each day. Don't be intimidated by all those TV ads that show people panting and sweating as they try to be super-fit. You will be very impressed at what just a few simple exercises and possibly a daily stroll will do for your physique.How about food? If you could learn to be happy with meals less than 500 calories each, combined with your simple exercise program, you would lose weight and re-shape your body. At the end of 3 weeks your life could very well be changed forever.Three weeks is such a short time to create life changing habits. We can all do it. It's really no giant thing. But it does provide giant payoffs.What if your morning exercise routine became as natural as brushing your teeth? Keep it simple enough and it can be. What if you made a list of meals you enjoy that are less than 500 calories each and you stuck with those meals most days for 3 weeks? Does that sound hard? Of course it's not.The physical and mental rewards of slimming down and firming up are priceless. Not only are you being kind to your body but you are enjoying a more attractive appearance, more energy, and much more self confidence. Losing weight and getting back in shape is definitely more fun than getting fat!In this day of instant gratification people think they can drop pounds fast by purchasing magical pills, machines and potions. That's stupid! You are making no life changing habits. You aren't enjoying the experience of using your body's own functionality to get down to a weight it is comfortable with.Try the suggestions above for 3 weeks. See for yourself that your body is ready, willing and even eager to get stronger, slimmer, more agile and more attractive. Don't compare yourself with anyone else. Don't be intimidated by anyone else. Just allow yourself to enjoy the ride.

Evolution Vs Revolution

Weight loss doesn't happen overnight, but the decision to change happens in an instant. It's really no different than any other decision to change. It's more than thinking about it, although that's where it often starts. It's more a decision to commit. Sometimes the decision to change starts off as nothing more than a passing thought in the back of your mind. Some thoughts disappear as quickly as they came and others grow into nagging desires.Once the light bulb comes on and you decide, I mean really commit, to making a change about something in your life, that is a revolution. It can even feel like an epiphany. It's the a-ha moment. Maybe you're fed up with your current situation or just want something else entirely different for yourself. Whichever it is, having a revolution means wanting the change badly enough to commit to completing the steps it will take to make that change a reality.The revolution is the kick-off to the evolution.Again, change doesn't happen overnight. Now the hard work kicks in. To really change something, especially your weight, you need to commit to a lifestyle change. Temporary solutions offer temporary results. Why bother? We're talking about permanent, healthy change. And that is definitely an evolution. You know your body will not magically transform overnight. Don't expect your habits and thoughts to, either. And both of those components are necessary to create lasting change.Let's look at your habits first. So many people set New Year's Resolutions to lose weight. It's become very cliche. Now that spring is here... how are you doing on that resolution? It's very difficult to wake up one morning and do everything differently than you did in the previous months and years. A healthy lifestyle includes eating the right foods in the right amounts and exercise, all on a regular basis. It takes a great deal of time and energy to make these changes. Some people are successful at it on a short-term basis. They can do enough of the right things for a week or two and maybe even see some results. However, much of the time these efforts slip and old habits return whether it be out of comfort, habit, social pressure or whatever.By changing your habits slowly, you give yourself the opportunity to build a healthy lifestyle in a sustainable manner.Small changes done one or a few at a time allow you to incorporate them into your daily routine and get used to them before taking on additional changes. It's not as disruptive or time consuming to learn a few things at a time versus having to work to learn all new recipes, habits, etc. at once.Now let's look at your thoughts. Your thoughts play a large role in weight loss. What kind of mind set are you in regarding the changes you're making? Consider what you are giving yourself versus what you are taking away from yourself. Try to frame your thoughts in a positive perspective versus a negative perspective.For example, what would you say to yourself and others if one of your changes was to not eat sweets like doughnuts for breakfast anymore? If someone brings a fresh, hot box of doughnuts into the office to help everyone beat the "Monday blues," and you know you need to politely decline, how do you word it? Do you say "No thanks, I've already eaten this morning." Or do you say "I wish I could but I'm on this stupid diet and I'm not allowed." One of these responses indicates that you gave yourself a nutritious breakfast at home or on the way to work that morning. The other indicates that you feel like you are depriving yourself of something you want.Whatever you think about will drive your actions.If you think about being healthy and eating the right foods, you will seek those things. If you allow yourself to be consumed by thoughts of foods that are detrimental to your health, you will crave them and eventually consume them.If you are overweight and want to become slimmer and healthier, then you must make changes in your lifestyle. The same actions that got you where you are today will not get you where you want to go. Creating a healthier lifestyle is a journey. Change doesn't happen overnight but the decision to can. If you've made that decision and are committed to it, congratulations. You've had a revolution. Awesome! Now you're ready to start your evolution. Ask yourself "What small changes am I willing to commit to this week? Month? Year?" Make a promise to yourself and keep it.

3 Reasons to LOVE Your Workout: Confessions of a Fitness Addict

I sometimes get strange stares when I tell people I love to workout. But it's true! I look forward to that time of day when I can step away from everything else and just concentrate on my body. I have truly become an addict. I get cranky when I miss a workout and my day somehow feels incomplete. I absolutely love the feeling I get from working out.You, too can love your workout. The longer you stick with it, the more engrained it will be in your habits and the more results you'll see. Even in 6 weeks, the results can be dramatic.What are 3 things you can love about your workout?1-Relieves stressExercise lowers cortisol, a stress hormone. You can take what could be a negative emotion like anger, frustration or anger and use it as fuel for your workout. You can successfully redirect that negative emotion into a positive outcome.Exercise is also a great distraction to get your mind off problems and put you in a better state to be able to deal with them. If nothing else, it can get you out of the four walls you normally stare at, giving you a fresh perspective.That deep breath and sense of calm you get while doing cardio is hard to replace with anything else. Everything feels clear - your lungs, your skin, your thoughts. It's a great time to think as you're pounding away the miles.2-Feels greatHave you ever heard anyone say, "Man, I sure do regret that I worked out today." Probably not! But you most likely have heard someone talk about how proud she was that she DID workout today or three times this week.It just plain feels good to workout. Exercise increases endorphins which are your body's "feel-good" chemicals. There is often a feeling of euphoria with working out; a "high." Who can't use some of that? There is a sense of accomplishment and pride that comes with it. It's what keeps people coming back time after time... and the fact that they like the way their clothes are fitting and the positive comments they are receiving from people who are noticing a change in them.Besides, when else do you get to listen to obnoxiously loud music in the middle of the day? Playlists make great workout buddies. You can adjust your music to the type of activity you're doing, the speed at which you want to do it and your overall mood or the mood you want to have. Music is a great pick-me-up. At the end of a workout, not only will you feel good from the workout, but from the music as well.3-See progress & succeed at somethingWhen you work out consistently, you will see progress. You'll see progress towards your goals whether that be fat loss or muscle gain. You'll also notice that you can do things today that you couldn't do last month. You'll notice you can go longer, faster and at a higher resistance doing cardio and that it becomes easier. Maybe last week you couldn't walk on the treadmill and carry on a conversation without being winded but now you can talk with ease. Maybe you started out doing a chest press with 10 pounds and now you use 20. Progress means success. And we all like the feeling of success. If you succeed in one area, it gives you confidence to succeed in another.Did anything of those sound familiar? You've probably heard or experienced some or all of these things already.And here's a bonus reason to love your workout:When you workout, it gives you added incentive to stay on your meal plan. If you go to the gym an hour a day, there are still twenty three hours in a day to screw up your results. Who wants to work that hard in the gym just to blow it with her diet? Working out regularly adds some incentive to eat right.