Reduce Belly Fat, Lose Body Fat and Lose Weight Using Your Hormones

Reduce Belly Fat, Lose Body Fat and Lose Weight Using Your Hormones

We can reduce belly fat, lose body fat, and lose weight by using our hormones effectively.
I discovered that our bodies secrets certain hormones, based on what we eat, how often, how much and when we eat.
In this article, we will learn about how two of these hormones work, and how we can use them to get a flat stomach.
Over the past decades, the weight loss and diet industry has "ballooned" and so has the waist line of the population at large.

The market-place is full of weight loss products that promise magic; but we know the truth: we buy their product, lose a few pounds for a shot period then gain all of it and more back.
So, what's the solution?
Surely, some foods are better than others, and keeping physically active is good for burning fat and weight loss.
However, our hormones are the most important ingredient in the fat-burning- weight loss-process. Insulin and glucagon are the two main hormones that influence the biochemistry of energy storage and energy usage.
Insulin, a hormone secreted by the B-cells (beta cells) of the pancreas, converts ingested carbohydrates to glucose (energy).
In a normal person, insulin converts about 50% of the glucose (carbohydrates) ingested to usable energy. It converts 30% - 40% to fat (energy stored in fat cells) and 10% to glycogen (stored in the lever and muscles).
Glucagon is a hormone secreted by the A-cell (alpha cells) of the pancreas. When the blood-sugar levels falls too low, glucagon stimulates the lever to convert stored glycogen to glucose. This glucose enters the blood stream; the body uses it for energy.
Human-metabolism consists of two separate biochemical processes: the metabolism of "energy-storage"(anabolism) and the metabolism of "energy-usage" (catabolism). insulin facilitates energy storage while glucagon facilitates energy-usage.
When we eat, the pancreas secrets insulin into the blood stream. The insulin converts the carbohydrates in the meal to glucose.
The body uses some of this glucose for immediate energy, stores some in the lever and muscles as glycogen, and the remainder in fat-cells as fat.
After 3 to 4 hours, the blood glucose level drops too low. Glucagon, then initiates the process that converts the stored energy back to glucose.The body use this glucose for its' metabolic functions.
Conclusion: the secret to burn belly fat, lose weight and keeping it off, is keeping your body in glucagon metabolism (fasting state), for at least 50% of your day. If you give your body the opportunity to use up most or all the calories you consume daily, you'll reduce belly fat, lose body fat and lose weight - your struggle with weight will be over.