How to Know If You Are Using Fat As a Way of Hiding From the World
How to know if you are using fat as a way of hiding from the worldVery often people unconsciously hold onto fat as a way of hiding a secret or something about themselves that they don't want to share, much in the same way a child might hide under a blanket. Food itself is a great way of stuffing down words and feelings that you either wish you didn't have or don't want to share. Some of the most common things that I see people try to hide with fat are:Having a lot of debt: People with large amounts of debt often overeat as a way of stuffing down the bad feelings around debt.Not feeling safe or happy in a relationship. Example: Partner is cheating or is abusive and you don't know what to do about it.Being a victim of past sexual violation: People use fat this way in the misguided belief it will protect them from future pain.Being overly sensitive to other's problems and trying to put up a buffer. (This is a problem that nurses and other healers often have.)Being very unfulfilled in a career. Example: the artist who is trying to make a career as a lawyer because it pays better, but all the while hating it.Now we all know intellectually that being fat or hiding behind fat will not change any of these situations or heal any past wounds, but since these actions are unconscious they are not being subjected to the intellectual scrutiny of our reasoning mind.Don't assume that every overweight person you know has been molested or is in debt. That is not always the case, but sometimes it is. So please don't judge the overweight people in your life. You have no way of knowing what pain they have experienced.If you suspect you may be using fat as a way of hiding ask, yourself the following questions:What am I trying to hide from the world?How can I be more authentic and honest with the world in a way that is safe? Or who can I talk to about what happened?Sometimes just journaling about your feelings is all you need to do to get that energy moving. Other times a good therapist, hypnotherapist, or best friend can help you release yourself from the chains of secrets and emotions by being a sounding board. Sometimes all it takes is just bringing awareness to the situation which helps you release the need to hide behind the fat.
How to Know If You Are Using Fat As a Way of Hiding From the World
How to know if you are using fat as a way of hiding from the worldVery often people unconsciously hold onto fat as a way of hiding a secret or something about themselves that they don't want to share, much in the same way a child might hide under a blanket. Food itself is a great way of stuffing down words and feelings that you either wish you didn't have or don't want to share. Some of the most common things that I see people try to hide with fat are:Having a lot of debt: People with large amounts of debt often overeat as a way of stuffing down the bad feelings around debt.Not feeling safe or happy in a relationship. Example: Partner is cheating or is abusive and you don't know what to do about it.Being a victim of past sexual violation: People use fat this way in the misguided belief it will protect them from future pain.Being overly sensitive to other's problems and trying to put up a buffer. (This is a problem that nurses and other healers often have.)Being very unfulfilled in a career. Example: the artist who is trying to make a career as a lawyer because it pays better, but all the while hating it.Now we all know intellectually that being fat or hiding behind fat will not change any of these situations or heal any past wounds, but since these actions are unconscious they are not being subjected to the intellectual scrutiny of our reasoning mind.Don't assume that every overweight person you know has been molested or is in debt. That is not always the case, but sometimes it is. So please don't judge the overweight people in your life. You have no way of knowing what pain they have experienced.If you suspect you may be using fat as a way of hiding ask, yourself the following questions:What am I trying to hide from the world?How can I be more authentic and honest with the world in a way that is safe? Or who can I talk to about what happened?Sometimes just journaling about your feelings is all you need to do to get that energy moving. Other times a good therapist, hypnotherapist, or best friend can help you release yourself from the chains of secrets and emotions by being a sounding board. Sometimes all it takes is just bringing awareness to the situation which helps you release the need to hide behind the fat.
What Motivates You to Lose Weight in Your Life
It is very hard to lose weight without the proper motivation. What motivates us to do anything? Is it the goal, the outcome, success, competition, etc. whatever it is it drives us to push until we get what we want. So how come the obesity rates are going up? And how is it that so many people want to lose weight but don't? Motivation is one if the key factors in ones ability to lose weight and keep it off. If you don't have the proper motivation to lose weight you are more likely to quit before you even see any results.Wanting to lose weight and actually doing it are two completely different things. The difference is the motivation that gets us up off our butts and actually doing something about it. So what motivates you and how do you continue to motivate yourself throughout the process of losing weight?Objectively, losing weight is the outcome you want to achieve but your motivation is why you want to lose weight. Everyone has different reasons for wanting to lose weight. Some examples include wanting to be skinny or be skinnier than you are, wanting to be healthy, wanting to be able to fit into clothes you like, being able to do certain sports or activities that interest you, live longer, reduce your risk for disease, etc. whatever the reason is this is the source of your motivation. So how do you use this motivation to keep you on track and ultimately help you to achieve your goals?Because everyone's motivations are different you have to be creative in the way that you motivate yourself on a daily basis to continue to eat healthy ad exercise. Reminder or sticky notes with encouraging messages placed around your home, workspace or in your car are a daily motivator. Pictures of what you want your overall outcome to be when you lose your weight that way if you get down or need a pick me up you can look at them and know that this is what you are going to achieve by sticking with it. Pictures of your family, kids or friends so that you know you will be around for them in the future by becoming healthy. You can buy that piece of clothing in the size that you want to get to and know that once you Lose that weight you will be able to wear it. Achievement gifts such as a book, piece of jewelry or shoes when you reach small goals will also motivate you to continue on your weight loss path (avoid using food gifts such as Sweets or dinner which will only set you back and discourage you). Keep a diary, journal or calendar so you can track your work ethic and progress. If you are competitive, have a competition between friends that way it forces you to work harder.
Are You Holding Onto Your Weight On Purpose?
Have you ever given serious thought to why you have ups and downs when it comes to losing weight? When it comes to solving the weight problems we have, I find in most instances folks try to fix the problem before understanding the underlying root cause. The result of trying to fix something without understanding why it's happening is a temporary solution.In my experience, it's vitally important to understand why we do what we do before we can change what we do. So if you have struggled with losing weight and keeping it off perhaps it's time to take a step back and figure out what might be the reason for this? Could it be that you have a physical issue that's resulting in those excess calories you take in each day to stick around or is it a mental or emotional barrier you face? Are you holding onto the challenge of losing weight as an emotional crutch?One of the things that I think we all can agree on is that we are complicated and often confused individuals. Sometimes we can be very reason and illogical at the same time. For example, if you ask a repeat adulteress about their spouse they will tell you that they love and respect their spouse. Then when you ask they question, why and how can you repeatedly break their heart by having an affair, they look like a deer caught in the headlights.Unfortunately the same thing happens when it comes to losing weight. In the same day we can exercise in the morning and eat a healthy low-calorie breakfast but consume unbelievable amounts of fats and calories for lunch and dinner. The result at the end of the day is that we wipe out any attempt we put forth in the morning and in fact have basically negated our morning effort.If you find yourself doing this you it's a good idea to figure out how to stop doing so. You have to figure out why you don't have the will power to go one whole day without giving in to your cravings. You see if you can figure out how to eat right for one day then you can eat right for two days and so on and so on. If you are not holding onto your weight on purpose then this is something that you should be able to achieve.Do you have the will power to eat right for one day? You see your body and mind need to know that you are committed to the cause. If you keep sending mixed signals to your body and mind then perhaps you are holding onto your weight on purpose. If not then you should be able to consistently and purposefully lose the weight and keep it off.At times it's easy to make excuses for eating the wrong foods and eating them at the wrong time. If my relationship is stressing me out I can justify the unhealthy eating. If my stressful job is wearing thin on my patience then I find it easy to please my inner being by eating. So how do you get out of this cycle of unhealthy eating? Just break the pattern or habit.I know you are saying "I've tried that and it doesn't work or tell me something that I don't know".Well, I have heard that if you can sustain doing something for 7 days you have a good chance of continuing to do it. The question is, can you change your routine for 7 days? Can you limit yourself to eating smaller portions and avoiding spontaneous eating based on your emotional state of being? I think you can and when you do this, you will have the confidence and discipline you need to keep it going.You don't have to keep losing the battle with your body over your weight. You can let it go and bring back a little joy and peace of mind to your life. I'm a firm believer that you are not what you eat but you are how you feel. If you feel healthy and happy your eating and life habits will only get better.
The Top Five Things You Shouldn't Do When You're Trying To Lose Weight
If you want to lose weight in a healthy manner and with long-term results, where you lose weight for good, there are some things you need to do or not do in order to achieve it. Below are some things you should NOT be doing when you're trying to lose weight.1. Making yourself go hungryIf you do it long enough, losing weight by not eating or eating very little is counterproductive. For one, the body will go on crisis mode and will conserve the energy it has by slowing down your metabolism. When you get back to eating regularly your body, because it's on crisis mode, lessens the amount of calories that it burns and stores the rest as fat. Other than slowing your metabolism, however, not eating properly is detrimental to your health because it deprives your body of the necessary nutrients to function properly.2. Snacking on processed foodsProcessed foods have sodium content that causes your body to retain water instead of expelling unnecessary liquids. You'd be surprised but when you lose water weight, you can actually lose up to two pounds. So, stop eating cookies, chips, spam and other processed foods. If you feel the urge to snack, binge on fruit instead.3. Letting your mind go wildYour mind can be your own worst enemy when it comes to losing weight. Weight loss takes time and if you don't quiet your mind so that you're able to control your eating habits and patiently wait for the results, nothing's ever going to happen, or you'll circle around the same cycle of losing weight and gaining it right back. So, relax and meditate and, more importantly, visualize your ideal end results. There are many meditation programs out there like the Silva Method. Try one of them and don't stop until you see results.4. Constantly weighing yourselfThe problem with our culture nowadays is that people want instant results, but this simply isn't possible when it comes to weight loss. Your body needs time to process your actions to put out the appropriate results. If you're trying to lose weight naturally by using diet plans, you should be patient enough to wait eight weeks before standing on the weighing scale.5. Not seeking out a support groupDid you know that any goal is more easily achieved when you have a support group? Think of Alcoholics Anonymous and other anonymous groups. Being overweight is a condition that's being experienced by millions of people, yet people who are trying to lose weight usually do it alone and anguish in the process. Make your efforts more fun, and let others learn from you, by seeking support. Search for a support group online and regularly contribute.Like anything else, losing weight is a goal worth pursuing. In nature, no animal is ever overweight. That said, the natural state of your body is perfect. Always keep that in mind if you have serious doubts that you can lose weight. Yes, you can, however, you have to do things in a certain way in order for things to change.
Green Coffee Beans and Other Supplements: What Really Works
When you want to lose weight it can be a slow process. There are times it can be so slow that it almost seems as if you are making no progress at all. So it should be no surprise that green coffee beans diet supplements are being used by many American adults to help with their weight loss efforts & give their weight loss a little boost.There is actually an entire weight sub-industry strictly devoted to making these green coffee extract & other supplements. These will do things such as stop fat absorption, increase metabolism, and decrease appetite.Yes it is true that most diet experts will not recommend most of these products that are sold to help you lose weight. But,there are some which do seem to work.There are actually six different natural products that you can buy at drug stores or health food stores. These all have scientific evidence behind them that they do and will help with weight loss:• Calcium - there are several studies that have shown weight loss benefits from eating just three servings of a low-fat dairy food daily. The studies did find that more weight was lost when the calcium was from food than when it was taken in the form of a pill supplements.• Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) - is a fatty acid which you can get naturally in red meat and/or dairy products. As a diet supplement it does seem to work. However, it also may have some side effects which can be a concern. CLA can possibly raise your cholesterol levels and this can adversely impact liver tests. Before you take any CLA supplement, you should discuss it with your doctor.• Fiber - surprise-when you are trying to lose weight, a supplement that makes you feel full can help with your weight loss. Fiber can really help you eat a lot less. One thing to remember is not to eat too much fiber. This is because it can cause constipation-not fun.• Green Tea Extract - besides having a ton of antioxidants, it also helps with weight loss. Green tea extract has caffeine, thiamine and catechins and these have shown to help with weight loss. If you choose to try Decaffeinated green tea it will not be as effective as regular green tea.• Meal Replacements - these are weight loss supplements with what is considered the best science behind them. These types of supplements include bars & replacement shakes. The thing with meal replacements is that you will have to take as directed and will have to follow a fairly strict diet.• Green Coffee Beans - this is a supplement that is getting a lot of attention lately. It is sold under many different brand names and it may be hard to choose the right one. Those who take Green Coffee Beans extract experience fat loss and increased energy levels.It actually inhibits the absorption and release of glucose in the blood stream. This leads to weight loss and sometimes with no extra effort on the part of the person taking it. If you take a 100% pure and natural Green Coffee beans extract produced by a trustworthy manufacturer side effects shouldn't be a problem.When you are using weight loss supplements, be aware that a lot of the weight lost supplements sold today are not truly regulated by the FDA. This leads to the chance that may not be really very effective. You will always want to make sure that you are buying your green coffee beans extract from a company that has reviews, offers a refund & uses 100% natural and pure ingredients.If you are thinking about using a weight control supplement, it is important to discuss the decision with a doctor. Weight loss supplements like Green Coffee Beans do have their place and can really jump-start, restart or just quickly start your weight loss journey.
3 Easy Things You Can Do To Lose Weight and Gain Definition
For men, the hardest thing to do is lose pure belly fat and get moving forward with a positive outlook. Most fail to deliver on the promise to themselves and their families to lose weight, because it can be harder than ever before to get through the doldrums of trying to gain lean muscle instead of fat cells. If you find yourself looking for a way to seriously lose some weight, than you will want to focus on a few things that are not only simple, but can help you sustain the goals that you have and get on board with something that actually works. The following is simple, remember that, and you will be fine.Eat Whole Foods - This may sound rudimentary, but it cannot be stressed enough. Do not forget to eat well and focus on whole foods. The more you focus on eating good things, the better you will feel and the more your body will respond to the ingredients. Look at the boxes that you're purchasing and focus on only eating things that you can pronounce and you know are going to help your body succeed in digestion and capitalize on things that will compel you to lose fat fast.When In Doubt Exercise - There are times of leisure that you're going to be wasting time. Think about it, you may watch television for a few hours a night and there are commercials in which you are simply waiting for your program to return. In that moment, you have a great and powerful option to get some exercise in. Take those breaks as signs to do something, and get started with pushups and crunches. Do this often and every time you watch several hours of programming, you will have something to do that will be beneficial to your goal of losing serious weight.Find a Hobby - Get a bicycle, join a recreational sports league, start running, or any hobby that involves a great deal of physical activity. You want to make sure that you're not only moving around a lot, but enjoying what you're doing. If you do this, you will start to see the fat melt away and your muscles will start to get more defined. Do not let up when you see initial results, keep yourself moving forward and you will gain a serious amount of definition and those six pack abs will start to form as well.The above 3 easy things that you can do to lose weight and gain definition are not hard to accomplish. You simply start with baby steps and focus on moving through everything and get the results that you want. If you are serious about getting fit and you want to do everything in your power to gain muscle instead of fat, the above will get you going forward. Once you start to see results, keep things going by joining a gym and alternate between cardiovascular workouts and weight training. When you combine all elements in proper manner, you will accomplish your goals and look great at the same time.
Losing Fat The Easy Way - Learn More About It
There are a lot of diets that you can try to go on and most of them will not help you out in the short term. Sure, you can see weight loss in the long term by omitting all sorts of foods and starving yourself on a regular basis, but that's not going to be good for your body or mind. If you are serious about getting muscle definition and you want to pursue the best options for your overall wellbeing, you will want to try to lose pure belly fat the right way. In fact, what most people don't realize is that there is an easy way to get to their goals, and it starts with a bit of lifestyle change.The very first thing that you want to do is change the way that you look at what you're eating. Instead of eating because you're indulging, try to discipline yourself to only eat things that are going to help you lose weight. That means that you will need to cut out some highly processed staples such as sugar, processed foods, boxed foods, and restaurant portions that are too big for your own good. It's only when you start to shift your eating habits to a healthier variety that you will start to gain a grip on the progression of the fat cells that are overtaking the muscle in your abdomen.Aside from changing the way you eat, you'll need to change the way that you exercise, that is if you're doing this at all. Start to shift the focus of your workouts from purely cardiovascular based options to more complex things that include weight lifting. Lifting weights will help your body get more distribution of protein and isolate certain muscles groups, and will not necessarily make you gain muscle mass like a body builder. Don't worry about that, instead just keep at this alternating option and do not lose focus.One of the best things that you can do to help your body get lean is to look into doing some simple exercises that are fun and don't take up a lot of time or effort. For instance, if you find yourself watching television or anything that has several breaks, try to do crunches and pushups during commercial spots. That will give you enough push forward to offset just the training that you do in the gym. Once you establish a habit of this, you will start to see faster definition and feel great overall.Pushing towards a healthier lifestyle can also be made simple by purchasing a bicycle and going for long rides. This can not only increase your lung capacity, it can help eliminate the fat that is on your stomach and give you that washboard effect over time. This will only help accelerate the tips and tricks that are mentioned above. Test the waters, do these things for a few weeks and see what you end up losing, chances are you will gain muscle and definition to the point where you will not want to quit any time soon.
Eat Carbs and Still Stay Slim
Aside from smartphones, food is also a basic necessity. Kidding aside, food is needed by every living organism to survive. The maxim "You are what you eat" is not just something made up as a witty phrase; it is literal in its every sense. The food we eat serves as the raw materials to build our body. You can actually say that your massive gluteus maximus is made up from the porterhouse steak you ate 3 years ago. Admittedly, we all love eating. Eating is fun, exciting, gratifying, and every adjective that suggests pleasure. However, if you are one of the people who plan to lose weight, then cutting down on luscious eating and satisfying your cravings are a must according to your fitness plan. There is no need to be sad, for there are still ways for you to enjoy carbs while still losing weight. Here's how.1. Find a good timing. Timing is everything, and children know this very well. They know when to strike to get us into buying them the in demand latest gadgets. And now let's get down to business. Several studies show that it's better to eat more calories on your lunchtime than at supper, so your lunchtime is your perfect excuse to binge on your carbohydrate-filled cravings.
2. Choose wisely. Carbohydrates are basically divided into two groups: simple and complex carbohydrates. The former is the type which is easily metabolized by the body causing a rapid spurt in blood glucose levels, but it in turn causes you to feel hungry faster as well. Complex carbs, on the other hand, take more time to be used by the body; that is why they have higher satiety value than simple sugars.
3. Mix and match. Carbs are calorie-dense foods, and taking them solely will make you end up consuming more calories than planned. It's better to mix a slab of protein or fresh greens with your meals to hit your satiety at its peak, leaving your stomach bulked up and your hunger satisfied.
4. Go for the healthier versions. Whenever you are satisfying your cravings, go for something healthier for less calories consumed and less guilt. Let's take mac and cheese for example; whenever you are planning to satisfy your craving for this cheesy goodness, choose the lower-calorie version like the butternut squash variant instead of the full cream one. This way you get to hit two birds with one stone.
5. Change your serving plates. Carbs per se are not the culprit behind your ineffective weight loss; it's the enormous portion that's to blame for staying the same. Use smaller serving plates to make servings look bigger than they really are. You can also try having your sandwich open-faced to eat only half the amount of bread versus a regular-stacked sandwich.
6. Eat a fibrous fruit. Fruits are healthier versions of carbohydrate-filled foods. Aside from the sugars they contain, they are also rich in a lot of valuable vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and of course fiber.
Why Most Weight Loss Programs For Women Don't Work And How To Fix It
Too many weight loss programs for women have the same problem. And it's a big, big problem. They aren't programs that get great results because they stay away from what works!What works is intense workouts with resistance, whether it's using dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells or just using body weight exercises like push ups, pull ups and body weight squats.Instead of effective programs they have them doing simple cardio, whether it's on the stationary bike or following along with some aerobic dance DVD that once in awhile has them pick up little pink weights or a broomstick.Ladies, you are not going to get big bulky muscles by using resistance training and some intensity.But you will develop a lean, sexy, toned body that turns heads. You'll also be much more likely to keep the weight off.The images of steroid using professional female bodybuilders has scared women away from picking up weights and it's a shame.Ladies, what would you rather look like, female fitness models like Jennifer Nicole Lee and athletes like Allison Stokke (Google them) or some rail thin, unhealthy looking model.Another great example of proper exercise for the right results is the difference between a marathon runner and a sprinter.Marathon runners, who do endless lower intensity cardio work, look unhealthy, too skinny, and lack any kind of muscle mass or tone.Sprinters look fit, healthy, strong, and shapely.Hopefully, I've convinced you that weight loss programs for women should include intense workouts with resistance training.But don't worry, I'm not talking about bench pressing 300 pounds or any of that nonsense.You see, you can combine your resistance training and your cardio by using body weight exercises, a dumbbell or two, and timed intervals.Some really popular intervals are 20/10, 30/15, 30/30 and 40/20. These numbers are in seconds.What this means is that you do an exercise for the first number in seconds and then rest for the second number.You then either repeat the exercise for a certain number of rounds or you move on to the next exercise.So the 20/10 means to perform an exercise for 20 seconds, then rest 10 seconds.The power of this type of routine is that you'll get great calorie burning benefits and cardio, while also utilizing resistance and working all your muscles, helping you to get lean, fit and toned.Here's a sample workout for you. Complete each exercise in 20/10 fashion for the number of rounds indicated and then move on to the next exercise.The great thing about timed intervals over reps is that you can stop and rest if you need to.Over time, try and improve the number of reps you can get in each interval.Jumping Jacks x 4 rounds Push Ups x 2 rounds Body weight Squats x 4 rounds Jump Rope x 4 rounds Standing Dumbbell Presses x 2 rounds Alternate Front Lunges x 4 roundsEach round is only 30 seconds so that's 2 rounds or only ten and minutes.Some great things about work outs like this is variety. You can do a ton of different exercises using just body weight and a couple of dumbbells.Just push ups have lots of variations (normal, close grip, clap, staggered, kneeling, explosive, incline, decline, spiderman style, etc.).The exercises are intense so they can be really short, ranging from 4 to 25 minutes or so.You also don't need a lot of space.
Avoid These Five Habits To Reduce Belly Fat
Belly fat is one of the most vexing challenges amongst persons who are trying to lose weight. Often times even when progress is evident in other areas of the body, belly fat lingers on seemingly unperturbed. But now that we are beginning to have a better understanding of this problem, more effective actions could be employed to control it. Five habits to avoid in helping to reduce belly fat are detailed below:
- Eating Before Bet-time: Eating just before reposing for the night can be totally devastating to anyone who is trying to lose or not to gain belly fat. Pre-bed-time eating gives the body little or no opportunity to burn up the calories you ingest and as a result insulin goes to work and sends the unused food off to the liver where it is converted into fat for storage in the gut. Do this night after night and you will literally not be able to touch your toes in a short while.
- Overeating: Everywhere we look we can see signs of over eating. One of the primary reasons people get fat is due to the fact that they overeat. In other words, we consume more calories on a daily basis than our body can possibly use. As usual, excess calories are converted into fat and stored in places like the belly.
- Alcohol Consumption: Now I know you have been hearing about the two drinks a day quota, but that's a bunch of crap. Don't pay attention to that, it will only get you into trouble. Alcohol, including beer and wine, is packed with processed sugar and carbohydrates. Sugar and carbohydrates are top fat producers and should be avoided if you are trying to get rid of belly fat. If you want a big belly fast just keep gulping down your bottles of beer, shots of tequila or glasses of wine and you will not be disappointed.
- Sweet Sugary Foods: Talk about a fertilizer for growing a big gut - you got it. In my opinion, sugar is the number one cause of belly fat. When sugar is consumed, in any form, it spikes insulin and insulin goes to work sending excess glucose of to the liver to be converted into fat. The harder insulin works, the more fat is created and sent off to the belly for storage; of course, increased fat storage means the bigger the belly becomes. To thwart this process you have to get rid of the sugars in your diet.
- Frequent Eating: When you eat frequently, you continually keep insulin levels elevated. Elevated insulin levels in bad for a number of reasons, but in terms of belly fat it is especially bad because fat is continually being created. When fat is created it must be stored somewhere and the most like place is the belly. So if you want to reduce belly fat, try to keep insulin levels low by eating less frequently.
Simple Steps to Achieving All of Your Goals
Before you can lose weight, get in shape, or accomplish any goal in life, FIRST, you have to believe it's possible for YOU to achieve that goal.Before you ever pick up a weight or step onto a treadmill you have some work to do in laying a solid foundation that will support the goals you desire to achieve.Chances are if you're reading this, you've struggled in past attempts to get in shape and at this point you're frustrated and don't know what to do next. Or maybe you're just beginning your fitness and health journey, and in that case, in reading this you'll avoid much of the struggle many experience without this knowledge.If you have a good fitness coach who has a solid program in place addressing strength training, cardiovascular training, and nutrition, if there are frequent measurement to assess progress, support, accountability, and education in place and you're still not achieving the goals you desire, then it's likely your goals are being rejected by your own self image and limiting beliefs.Self image is the key to living without limits! Your self image controls what you can and cannot accomplish.
Picking the Right Weight Loss Program
Throughout for twelve months, over 50% of the US consumers start on cutting down on calories in losing weight. For most people, it is not easy to reduce quite a few pounds, and some become successful in keeping their reduced body weight. The challenge in losing a few pounds and staying lean causes a lot of people to switch into a specialized or commercialized weight-loss system support. When it comes to subscribing to a fat loss program, make a choice intelligently.Apparently, some of the professional weight loss programs might help, provided that it keeps you motivated effectively to improve how you normally consume or raise the level of fats you lose during strenuous activity regularly.What Do I Need to Consider When Searching for a Fat Loss System?• Ensure it is safe to use. Even if you make your unique fat reduction plan or make use of a professional one, ensure it is trusted. A good eating habit must incorporate each of the prescribed regular leeway for supplements, enzymes, and protein-rich foods. The dietary plan ought to be reduced in excess fat (stamina) solely, afar from vital nutritional supplements or nutrients. Overall, a diet plan consisting of 1,000 to 1,200 calories from fat daily must be identified for a lot of women; an eating plan between 1,200 calories daily and 1,600 calories a day must be preferred for men, then again, consult with your physician initially.• Slower, steady weight reduction. This system needs to be redirected to gradually; consistent weight reduction except when your health care provider thinks your state of health might gain from extra quicker fat reduction. Anticipate eliminating no more than one pound weekly right after the first week or two. With numerous fat reduced diet plans, there's a preliminary instant weight reduction throughout the first one to two weeks, however this particular reduction is basically fluid. Your initial quick reduction in liquid could be also obtained quickly once you resume an average fat food intake. As a result, a sensible purpose of losing weight can be expected. The pace of slimming down must certainly be 1 pound to 2 pounds weekly.Whenever you are searching for a commercialized diet program, you should definitely know the fees and charges for additional products like diet supplements or foods. Other crucial things to ask to ask any prospective weight loss program include:• Are the staffs qualified consultants or health experts like authorized dietitians, physicians, and exercise physiologists? • Are the food choices suitable and acceptable? • Are the weight loss objectives set by the health professional/or the client? • Exactly how much is the average weight loss among the people who completed the program and at one year? • Are there side effects or any other issues that the clients are having with this program? What exactly are these? • Is a maintenance program available to keep or maintain the weight off once it's lost?If you intend to reduce approximately 15 pounds to 20 pounds, having any health issues, or undergoing treatment continuously, your physician need to assess you before commencing to a weight loss program. Your doctor could evaluate your current health conditions that might be affected by weight loss and dieting.It is of slight benefit to lose a large amount of weight only to reclaim it. Your weight loss program should include plans for weight maintenance after the program is over.Body wight maintenance is the hardest part of controlling weight and is not constantly implemented in weight loss programs. The program you select should help you progress your dietary habits, increase your activity, and assist you to change other lifestyle habits that caused your weight gain before.
Training in the Heat or the Cold: Which Is Best for Weight Loss?
The main argument on the cold side seems to be "you burn more calories trying to keep warm" while the argument on the hot side is "you sweat and burn off the pounds". While both of these arguments have their merits, which is best?Let's start with training in the cold. First of all, a heavy warmup is required before you even feel like really moving. Once you power through this, you're body's metabolic rate will be well above normal. The problem is that this isn't sustainable. If you continue to do intense exercise in the cold for extended periods, you will start to feel dizzy and weak. Eventually, your body will no longer be able to adequately fight the cold and you will get the chills and feel stiff.While this could be fine if you know when to stop, there is another problem. Your joints are very sensitive to temperature changes. Training in the cold means having under-lubricated joints which can lead to many painful disorders like arthritis and joint inflammation. Furthermore, you won't have access to your full strength as your body's instinct is to route blood to your vital organs in order to protect them from the cold.Now heat I find to be very beneficial. It promotes good blood flow from the get go making it very easy to get warmed up. Losing weight through sweat is just losing water weight BUT more importantly, sweat carries with it a lot of toxins that build up in your body over the years. Having a good sweat now and then make's you feel energetic and full of life!Having good blood flow means being able to push your cardiovascular system to it's limits. Hot air is thicker as well meaning that your lungs can take in more oxygen with every breath leading to increased endurance. The muscles enjoy the increased blood flow too. Your strength is increases as your muscles get pumped full of oxygen and nutrients and your recovery time between muscle building workouts is shortened for the same reason.Fat is designed to protect you in times of famine. This can be simulated by bad blood flow not supplying the extremities with enough nutrients. With better blood flow, the body can relax just a bit as it feels that there is no scarcity of food. This leads to not holding on to fat stores so tightly.
Tips On Losing Weight and Calories
1) Have your breakfast: As the most important meal of the day, having breakfast helps your body to wake up and kick-start the digestion process, thus increasing your metabolism, which is important if your want to lose calories fast. Having a protein rich breakfast consisting of eggs, nuts, cheese, peanut butter, yogurt etc, will help to keep you full long into the day. Beside proteins, complex carbohydrates available from fruits and vegetables will burn slowly and drive up your metabolic rate. Therefore, wake up to a good breakfast high in protein and complex carbohydrates every day!2) Drink more water: Undeniably, water is the source of life and it is even more important to drink water when you are trying to lose weight. The reason is because water increases your metabolism and is essential for optimal liver function. With a healthy and performing liver, toxins can be removed from your bloodstream efficiently! The processing of fats is also dependent on our liver. In addition, water fills your stomach and prevents overeating. Thus, do remember to drink at least 2 litres of water everyday to stay hydrated and lose calories fast.3) Take note of your calories intake: Intuitively, to lose weight, your calories intake must not exceed the amount of calories you burn daily. Depending on your gender, age, activity level, height and weight, the amount of calories you take in should be different. One of the best ways to keep track of the amount of calories you consume is to keep a food journal. Do not belittle this method as this only takes a few minutes each day, but can help you to restrict the amount of food you eat.4) Be fair when weighing yourself: Some people weigh themselves too often and at different times of the day, leading to fluctuating readings which leads them to despair and loss of direction. It will be best to weigh yourself in the morning, after a visit to the bathroom, and when you are naked or wearing your night clothes. Do this for seven days and record your measurements each day. Then, total the numbers and divide it by seven to get the average weight. Take this to be your actual weight and set up a weight loss plan based on this weight.5) Have enough rest: This sounds easy, but many people are not adhering to the idea of getting enough sleep. However, research has proved that sleep deprived people tend to put more food into their mouths. This is because our body produce more ghrelin, a hormone that stimulates appetite, when our brains are tired. Also, in sleep deprived people, the parts of the brains associated with rewards and pleasure lights up when than eat, even more so than those who have enough rest. Thus, do have a good night's sleep starting from today.
When To Select Body Weight Reduction Surgery
Obesity runs in my family. It's not an excuse, but it is certainly the truth. I believe that I was pre-destined for obesity, partly due to genetics, and partly due to overindulgence. My mother, sister and I are all obese. Several of my aunts, uncles and cousins are also overweight. So, I am not alone in my plight. I have tried every diet you can name in the 53 years I have lived on this Earth, and not one of them has helped me to keep off any weight that I have lost.I have finally decided to get serious about my weight problem. By getting serious, I am talking about weight loss surgery. I have not decided what type of surgery I want as of yet, but I am leaning toward the Lap Band, due to its less invasive nature, and easy reversal. I am wary of having my stomach stapled, or having most of it removed. I like that the lap band can be adjusted as needed, and requires minimal hospital stay.The reasons I have for choosing weight loss surgery are many.The most persuasive to me have been the following:Health IssuesI have several health issues that make weight loss surgery a wise choice for me. My BMI, or body mass index, is 58. This puts me well above the required BMI of 40 in order to qualify for the lap band. I have mild hypertension, sleep apnea, severe osteoarthritis in my hips, knees and hands. Most importantly, I feel that without this surgery, I will die at an early age due to complications from obesity.AppearanceI do not care much what others think of me. I still have rather high self-esteem. However, I do wish to improve my appearance mostly for myself, but for my husband and children as well. At 430 pounds, I am not as attractive as I once was. I believe that all people should take pride in how they look, and just do the best they can. For me, that means getting fit, and losing weight.ActivityI used to be an active woman. As a young adult, I was an avid ice skater. I loved hiking, fishing, camping and yard work. All of my most-loved activities are now impossible. I walk with a cane due to my arthritis, which will most likely improve once I lose weight. Also, I would like to be able to join my family in their activities, instead of opting out with a headache, or other non-existent ailment.
Protein, Eating Clean, and Focus - How to Destroy Your Excess Body Weight
Everyone is trying to lose weight today. From all different fads and all the different programs, people struggle with their weight. I found weight loss to be more difficult when I turned 30. In my 20s, my metabolism was pretty efficient. With some strength training, I was able to eat what I wanted and maintain my weight. Since crossing over into my thirties, I have found that my metabolism has slowed and now I have to employ different tricks to stoke my calorie burning furnace.As such, I found three effective steps that will help you with your weight loss and more importantly, make it sustainable.1. Eat lots of protein. Shocking, I know. Many diets state that protein is the essential item for muscle maintenance and building. And they are correct. Muscle mass consumes more calories therefore it is in your interest to gain more muscle mass. And some protein is essential towards this task. Essential sources are chicken breast, lean steak, beans, nuts, and whey protein. You should consume at least 20 to 30 grams of protein per meal. This single step is very effective, particularly if you are currently consuming a high carbohydrate diet.2. Eat clean. Squeaky clean. Eating clean is a wonderful philosophy. I was turned onto this type of diet when reading about the primal blueprint. For those of you who are not familiar, the primal diet consists of eating as man has traditionally eaten in his history. Consuming animal protein and vegetables are key to this diet. Anything processed, be it from a freezer bag or any other source that is not coming from the earth or from nature itself should be avoided. Sugar for example, is commonly consumed today. There are many studies that suggest a strong correlation between increased sugar consumption and increased fat storage. Sugar can be found in so many different sources, so be careful. Even the natural sugar in fruit is something to be careful of and therefore should be consumed earlier in the day when the body can use that sugar for fuel. In a brief experiment, I ate clean for one day. In that day, I dropped 2 pounds of weight. While some will argue this is water weight, I'm convinced that eating clearly and simply is most the effective tool in your weight loss. And of course, you can eat cleanly for 90% of the time and still get results.3. Exercise with intent and focus. Most people exercise with the understanding that its necessary and just go through the motions. But you should exercise with intent and focus. When you exercise, do so with the intention of getting your body strong and into the best shape possible. Visualize your ultimate body, which will create the necessary mental alignment to perform your best during your workout. Take that sharp focus while you're exercising by locking in on the movements you make. I recently began using Shaun T's Focus T25 program, available through the Beach Body Company. This is a program of alternating DVDs that employ different forms of exercises ranging from cardio to resistance training, particularly bodyweight resistance. The program's goal is to focus you to work out with precision and energy. This level of focus and intensity revs up the body's metabolism and makes it a furnace for burning fat.
Weight Loss Ideas for Women: 5 Dieting Tips
Coming up with a healthy eating plan can be difficult when you're dieting. You'll need to plan ahead and prepare early to have satisfying meals without ruining your diet. There are many weight loss ideas for women on the internet, as well as in diet books and magazines.However, no dieting plan is suitable for everybody, which is why you'll need a healthy diet program that fits your habits, nutritional needs, body requirements and the types of food that you enjoy.Popular diet foods for women include leafy green vegetables, fruits, lean meat, fish and soup. These foods are healthy; they'll help you lose weight and they can be delicious, but they can get dull when eaten for long periods of time.Read on to find 5 Weight Loss Tips:5. Use New Recipes for Variety 4. Make Extra, Store it for Later 3. Some Veggies Burn more Calories than they Give 2. Lean Meat and Fish have Less Fat; Fish has Better Fat 1. Choose Whole Wheat Bread with Lean Meat or Fish: Pile on the Veggies5. Use New Recipes for Variety: Use new recipes for a lot of variation. Salad recipes like tuna pasta salad, lime and coriander salad, broccoli salad, and chick pea and tomato salad are some healthy weight loss recipes.4. Make Extra, Store it for Later: These recipes are easy to follow and prepare. Make large amounts of your recipes, and store them in zip lock bags or air tight containers so that it can be eaten later.3. Some Veggies Burn more Calories than they Give: Vegetables are a great meal complement, the amount of energy needed to digest some vegetables are more than the energy that they provide, and therefore they help to burn fat.Some examples of these low-calorie veggies are asparagus, broccoli, carrots, cabbage, celery, cauliflower, lettuce, mushrooms, and tomatoes. Beans, lentils and peas also support healthy weight loss, they're a good source of fiber that helps burn fat.2. Lean Meat and Fish have Less Fat; Fish has Better Fat: Lean meats and fish are great sources of protein, they have less fat than red meats, and they provide energy that lasts longer than carbohydrates like bread and pasta. Also, fish has healthy fats called omega fatty acid that helps your body and brain.Recipes like tandoori chicken wrap, grilled fish, herb chicken, mushroom burgers, fish cakes, turkey wraps, etc. are great recipes that are healthy and satisfying. There are many recipes available on the internet, and you get to choose what tastes best.More great meal ideas for women are soups, pizza, sandwiches, pasta and wraps. Soup can be reheated and can be a good source of nutrients. You can bring it to work where it's easily reheated. Pizza can be healthy if you choose lean meat, low-fat cheese, and vegetables as toppings.1. Choose Whole Wheat Bread with Lean Meat or Fish: Pile on the Veggies: Pasta and sandwiches can be weight loss friendly foods when you choose whole wheat bread and dough. Wraps are fun to make, delicious and can easily be stored. They're recommended for healthy weight loss.Use chicken, turkey and fish for toppings and fillings, then add the vegetables. Wraps are versatile. There are many recipes and variations like turkey wraps, spring rolls, spinach wraps, and tomato wraps.The Fast 5 Weight Loss Tips:5. Use New Recipes for Variety 4. Make Extra, Store it for Later 3. Some Veggies Burn more Calories than they Give 2. Lean Meat and Fish have Less Fat; Fish has Better Fat 1. Choose Whole Wheat Bread with Lean Meat or Fish: Pile on the VeggiesTry these 5 lunch weight loss ideas for women to start losing weight easily and quickly. Go on the internet to get other free diet recipes similar to the ones listed here that are delicious and nutritious. You can also use the internet or library to choose a good quality weight loss plan or diet, that you can stick with to reach your goal weight.
Weight Loss Ideas for Women: 5 Effective Pointers to Burn Fat
Many people want to lose excess weight to gain attractive and healthful bodies. But losing weight isn't easy, and a lot of people waste money on "miracle" weight loss products that don't work. According to experts, the best way to lose weight is to eat a proper diet and to perform plenty of exercise.This article will show you 5 weight loss ideas for women. Try these dieting tips to help you lose weight without any special equipment or drugs.Take a look at these 5 Pointers to Burn Fat:5. Eat Healthy and Eat Often4. Exercise Regularly3. Stay Hydrated2. Get Enough Rest1. Change Your Lifestyle5. Eat Healthy and Eat OftenAccording to the experts, reducing your eating will slow your weight loss because reducing eating consumption and frequency will slow down your metabolism. Unfortunately, some women think they can lose weight faster by starving themselves. This actually causes your body to store fat as "emergency food".Therefore, it's important to eat often, but eating the right foods. To lose weight in a healthy and efficient way, experts recommend that you eat 3 to 5 small meals each day instead of 1 or 2 big meals.Make sure that you're eating foods that are high-fiber and low-fat. Fiber takes a long time to digest and helps you lose weight by keeping you full longer, to prevent food cravings.4. Exercise RegularlyDieting isn't enough to make you lose weight. You'll need to combine dieting with regular exercise to help burn extra calories consumed after a meal.According to experts, exercising about 30 minutes, 3 or 4 times a week, can help you to lose 1 to 2 pounds per week. Likewise, most women know that exercise is the fastest weight loss method.Even very little exercise increases your metabolism, and helps your body to burn calories, fat more quickly. Some of the best almost-free exercises at home are aerobics, dancing, bicycling, jogging, and walking.3. Stay Hydrated by Drinking WaterMake sure that your body is well-hydrated, to lose weight with maximum efficiency. The more active you are, the more water your body needs. Water keeps your sugar and metabolism levels at good levels, which helps with weight loss. Avoid sugary drinks because excess sugar can increase your sugar levels and make you gain weight.Experts recommend that you drink 5 glasses of water every day to ensure that your body is well-hydrated.2. Get Good Quality SleepStress can lead to unbalanced hormones and can lead to binge eating, which is a common cause of weight gain.Getting enough rest each day keeps essential hormone levels in check to help decrease stress, and to powerfully balance hormones. Make sure that you get enough rest and sleep every day to keep your body functioning properly and burning fat efficiently.1. Change Your LifestyleCigarettes and alcohol cause weight gain.You'll probably have to make a lifestyle change or 2 if you want to lose that excess weight permanently. If you smoke or drink, kick those bad habits out of your life, because they cause heart disease, strokes, weight gain with consequent diabetes, and many other bad things.Use AA, talk to family and friends, consult with your doctor about using a stop smoking aid, or research it on the internet. Make a plan that starts with the most serious thing first, and after you succeed, make a plan for the next most important topic.Try these 5 Pointers to Burn Fat:5. Eat Healthy and Eat Often4. Exercise Regularly3. Stay Hydrated2. Get Enough Rest1. Change Your Lifestyle
A Liter of Water Per Day, Easy Trick to Lose Weight
A recent German study showed that drinking waters before meals helps reduce weight, this study has been published in "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition," and showed that the middle-age and older who drink 2 glasses of waters before each meal lost 2 pounds in period of study, compared to those who did not drink as another study showed the existence of a strong relationship between drinking a liter of water and weight loss.
To determine the mechanism by which water contribution lose weight researchers have revised the old studies that were interested to know the effect of water intake on losing weight and concluded only 3 out of 11 studies the existence of a clear relationship between the intake and lose weight.
Until now, researchers were unable to find a some explanation to the effect of water and the weight loss, but they believe that the waters taken before meals can reduce appetite and hunger, which leads to the reduction of taking large amounts of food and calories or that water increases the loss "of energy that leads to lose weight.
Despite the absence of this are acquainted exact mechanism concerning the effect of waters on weight loss, the researchers advise to waters as a substitute juice and CARBONATED DRINKS ARE with along with meals.
Instead of working waters diet techniques into your daily routine to lose weight, consider following a water fast. Although waters fasts can be controversial and even dangerous when not carefully monitored, many people who have tried a water fast claim it is helpful in flushing toxins from the body, regulating the digestive tract, restoring energy, and jumpstarting significant lose weight.
Proper waters balance in the human body is essential to the flow of electrolytes across cell boundaries, circulation of oxygen and nutrients in the blood, flushing out waste and toxins through the liver and kidneys, regulating the digestive tract, and regulating body temperature. Without sufficient hydration, the body's tissues, cells, and organs are not able to function appropriately and may inhibit weight loss.
Severe dehydration can cause organ failure and death. Staying properly hydrated with water is essential to good health and simple weight loss.
10 Practices Which Helps You to Lose Weight
Losing weight concerns creating little adjustment that one could experience once and for all. While you integrate these kinds of little changes to your way of living, you are going to to observe they're able to soon add up to big calorie savings as well as weight loss. Listed below are the top 10 Practices Which Helps You to Lose Weight1. Examine your eating practice. Are you eating food late at night, nibbling while cooking, finishing the kids' meals? Take a look around, and it will be easy to identify a few behaviors you can change that will add up to big calorie savings.2. Get the day started with breakfast. It is basically the essential meal each day. Following a lengthy night's sleep, your system needs the energy to truly get your stamina going and provide you with great power throughout the day.3. Ingest gently, munch on each chew, and taste the flavor of the meal. Consider relaxing your fork amongst bites and drinking lots of water along with your food.4. Eating regular meals are important. Determine the consistency of your respective foods which is most effective in your day to day life and adhere to it. Normal eating assist in preventing overindulging.5. Consume your meal sitting yourself down at the dining table and from your dish. Meals consumed from bags as standing upright is definitely overlooking. You could possibly end up ingesting much than those who take a seat and deliberately appreciate the meal.6. If you decide to eat snack between meals, consider the snack just like a little meal. The essential healthy treats include complex carbohydrates along with a few healthy proteins and calories.7. If possible, go shopping with a full tummy. It's really a strategy with regards to catastrophe to enter the supermarket if you are on an empty stomach. Go to the grocery store with a ready checklist so desired purchasing is actually held down. Eating properly begins with equipping sensible food within your kitchen and fridge.8. Serve meal into distinct dishes, and then leave the additional back to the cooking stove. Servings of meals available should to be consumed, and it requires great self-control never to entrench for a few moments. Keep in mind; it will take around 20 minutes or so for your thoughts to have the sign from your own stomach that you're fully loaded.9. Avoid eating after dinner. Here is where lots of people bring on extra few pounds. If you're starving, try fulfilling your craving by having a non-caloric drink or even a bit of hard candy bars. Brushing your teeth right after supper assists in easing the craving for eating once more.10. If you fail to plan, plan to fail. You might need an approach to suit your food and goodies. Prepare nutritious food on the times throughout daytime that you understand you may be usually starving and that can quickly cast out of your diet program.
What Influences How Much You Weigh More: Diet or Exercise?
You already know you need to workout and eat something balanced to maintain your weight. The truth is, studies show that whenever people dedicate time to just one healthy and balanced practice, they devote much less time on the other side. Therefore which is certainly more essential when you're concerned about the size of your waist: your regular workout or perhaps your diet plan?Looks like, people today who believe that weight loss program is the most crucial element in weight management are apt to have a lesser body mass index (BMI) compared to those who actually assume that exercising is an essential tool, as mentioned in six new research published in the publication Psychological Science.Within the scientific studies, specialists questioned at most over 1,200 people within the U.S., Canada, China, France, and South Korea regarding the primary factor which enables people obese. In addition, they grabbed members' height and weight dimensions to determine their BMIs. Surprisingly, people who stated it's essential to remain energetic to avoid overweight experienced greater BMIs versus individuals who mentioned the right diet is the vital thing in order to manage weight.As you may anticipate, people's weight-control concepts influenced their diet. In two experiments, the moment research workers supplied individuals countless chocolate, the individuals who stated they believe keeping yourself energetic is vital to keeping your desired weight consumed most."Our own opinions assist our approaches," states research co-author Brent McFerran, PhD, an assistant professor at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. Think it over: If you believe workout is the answer to fat regulation, you may push much more concentration not so on the amount you take in. Whereas physical exercise can actually help body weight loss-and cause you to feel great, amidst some other benefits-people usually overrate the level of calories from fat that they burn up while working out and make up for the additional exercise by consuming more, says McFerran.On the other hand, if you think that eating balanced and healthy diet is the better option to sustain your fat, you may concern not so regarding exercise-but carefully observe your food intake. And also, that's wise, particularly since most people really undervalue the quantity of calories from fat that they take in, says McFerran.The challenge: A lot of people presume they may be able to get rid of additional pounds-but there's a lot of medical proof to aid the truth that altering your weight loss program is a far more efficient way to decrease pounds, says McFerran. "Whenever we consume a 3000-calorie meal, almost nobody offers adequate spare time within the entire day to work out it off," he says.Fortunately, McFerran's best recommendation for the fat control doesn't consume a lot of time: stay away from foods with high levels of calorie consumption, and swap great dishes and bowls for smaller ones to make certain you complete all of them with much more controlled servings.Nevertheless, you must likely keep your fitness subscription, too. Though it's challenging to drop a few pounds through workout alone, keeping energetic helps alongside body weight control-and it's completely vital to improve your health, said Keri Glassman, RD, a Women's Health weight reduction professional. Not just will physical exercise generate endorphins which raise your rate of metabolism and keep you motivated to consume better-it likewise helps cardiovascular wellness, fortifies your bones, will help you relax, lessens anxiety, and improves psychological state. Almost all amazing reasons why you should strike the health club when it's possible to!
How to Lose Weight and Have Your Food Too!
Sometimes it all gets too much for us. We look in the mirror and realise it is just not going to happen as we consider ourselves too fat to start on what we call an everyday diet. We love our food and hate exercise. What are the alternatives?Diet PillsThere are many diet pills on the market today, all claiming to be the best and get quick results. Before reading their claims of losing 50 lbs. in a month, take note of the name of the diet pill and then Google it to find a forum where other overweight people have tried it and their thoughts and results. These people are passing on their knowledge to you and will not gain financially from their review. If the majority say it is working for them, ask them whether they are just taking the diet pill, or have reduced their food intake and started exercising as well. You need to know these facts before proceeding. You would be wise to ask if anyone has had any side effects or allergies from taking the pills. If you are obese, you need to gather all these facts and then visit your doctor and show him your results, as he will know whether these pills may conflict with diabetes or blood pressure medications you may be taking.LiposuctionThis is a common procedure for many obese people. You will need to get a Doctor's referral to a specialist to enable you to have this operation. They will counsel you to make sure you have tried other dietary methods first and whether you will be suitable for this operation. This usually results in a big weight loss.Gastric BandingAnother operation to consider only if you have tried unsuccessfully with other diets as it is the most drastic of suggestions here. This also requires a specialist to see if you qualify for this operation and to explain what will happen after the operation. This operation reduces the size of your stomach by sectioning off part of it so you will no longer be able to have large meals. For a small time you will only be able to take liquid meals while your stomach adjusts. Consequently a large weight loss will be the result. This option requires a lot of thought.Diet mealsA much kinder approach to weight loss and very easy, is to have a diet company deliver your meals to you. These meals add up to a specific daily calorie intake. The meals are all nutritionally prepared and labelled for you to enjoy. There is a great variety of choice of meals and plenty to eat. The reviews about this have been very positive and of course no surgery required
Your Roadblocks to Weight Loss
Losing weight is hard, and not seeing results is just frustrating. You may be one of those who have bought fitness books or downloaded fitness plans on your latest gadgets, but still, nothing worked out; the extra pounds you've been wanting to shed off are still there in your body. You're definitely sure that you followed everything, every detail and instruction of the fitness plan, and yet your figure is still the same. Maybe, just maybe, it's not that your fitness plan is ineffective; you might be doing something that defeats the purpose and sabotages the results. Below is a list of things most people do that serves as obstacles in their weight loss programs. Read it to find out what those things are.1. Your water intake is less than recommended. Water is a good appetite suppressant that when taken before meals, fills your stomach that causes you to eat less. Water too, is an adjunct to an increased fiber intake. Having a diet of fiber-rich foods without drinking enough water can only result to constipation. According to Pamela Wartian Smith, MD, author of "Why You Can't Lose Weight", "If you consume an aggressive amount of fiber, another 8 to 16 ounces a day is a good idea." Therefore, drinking 8 glasses of water isn't enough with that kind of diet; the recommended amount of water will be approximately 12 glasses daily if your diet includes rich sources of fiber.2. You take in less protein. Studies show that high protein diets are great for weight-losing, body-building fitness plans. Proteins have a property that enhances the feeling of satiety that prevents us to overeat. Additionally, protein takes more energy to be metabolized by the body than carbohydrates and fat, according to Cari Coulter, RD, program director for Wellspring Weight Loss Camp in Kenosha, Wisconsin. In that sense, higher protein diets make the body burn slightly more calories in the process of digestion.3. You sit all day. Office works can pose a number of health hazards. They seem easy because all you have to do is sit all day in front of your computer; the last thing you can experience is being physically exhausted, but this sedentary lifestyle is one of the major causes of obesity. One study from the University of Missouri-Columbia shows that sitting for a few hours causes your body to stop producing a fat-inhibiting enzyme known as lipase. It will be helpful if you get up and walk for about 2 minutes every 2 hours to burn an additional 59 calories per day. Use your smartphone as a timer to remind you every 2 hours about your 2-minute walk away from your desk.4. Your computation is inaccurate. Counting calories is the best way to track if you're losing weight or not. Burning more calories than what you take in is a good thing, for you're on track to losing weight, and that's for sure. However, counting calories is not a simple task. More often than not, they are just but approximations. It's really hard to determine calorie intake accurately. Always leave room for margin of error for about at most 200 calories. A huge discrepancy from your calories burned and calories taken in can lead to fluctuations in your weight.5. You work out regularly. Working out causes your appetite to increase more than usual. People tend to eat more when they work out, maybe because they feel that they have earned it or simply because they have overestimated how much they have burned. The most surprising thing about exercise is that it causes your body to store an extra two to four pounds of water to prevent dehydration. According to Michele S. Olson, PhD, Fitness advisory board member and professor or exercise science at Auburn University in Alabama, "You'll always carry that extra water unless you became inactive; it's not fat or muscle, but simply super hydration."6. You're always stressed. Whenever you are stressed, cortisol, a stress hormone, is being produced by the body in excessive amounts, which is an appetite stimulant. Cortisol is also a trigger for the production of a brain chemical, neuropeptide Y, which increases cravings for sugar and carbohydrates. Even if you have mastered the art of depriving yourself from cravings, cortisol still can slow down metabolism. Additionally, being stressed increases fat storage in the abdominal area, where weight is harder to lose.
How to Deal With "I'm Bored - Let's Eat!"
How to deal with "I'm bored-let's eat!" feelingsDuring the summer some things seem to slow down in life and people find themselves with more leisure time on their hands. With extra unstructured time comes my very favorite diet killer..boredom eating or as one of my clients called it "foraging".For most people the behavior looks something like this: You find yourself with nothing to do, just sitting around suddenly for no particular reason (its not lunch time) you find yourself hungry so you head over to the cupboard or fridge or the employee break room.I have learned over the years that it is sickeningly easy to quickly consume an unholy amount of calories that way and guess what? In the end you are still bored though now you are also "stuffed" and maybe even sick. Afterward you feel very angry and upset at yourself which often leads to more eating a short time later. Its an ugly cycle which never really ends.The key to ending this behavior is to first catch yourself doing it which does take some practice. Next time you start heading toward the kitchen take a moment and ask yourself "am I really hungry or am I just bored?" If you are bored food won't fix it for more than a few minutes so just back away from the fridge. If you are really hungry eat a little something then go do something else.Then next thing you need to do is have a plan in place. Come up with at least 5 things you can do when you are bored that don't involve eating. Yours might look something like this.1) Kindly direct self away from the kitchen. 2) Go for a walk or the gym 3) Grab a good book or even better start writing one 4) Start work on that project(s) I've been putting off 5) Go over budget numbers to find a way to save for Hawaii Vacation 6) Spend a few moments with that feeling and allow yourself to move past it.Ideally your list should include things you like doing so maybe leave off going over the budget. Remember the key is to catch yourself in the act then redirect. With practice eventually you will develop the habit of going to one of those other things rather than food when you start to get bored.A wise woman once told me "all cravings are satisfied, either with the substance or with time" love yourself enough to take the time to feed your real hunger. You are so very worth it.
How To Trigger The After Burn Effect
When it comes to losing weight, the majority of people believe that the best way is to combine a healthy diet with lots and lots of cardio exercise. Eating healthy is certainly vital for weight loss, but the problem often lies in the type of exercise done. All too often I have spoken to people who believe lots of low intensity cardio (such as jogging) to be the only way, but that simply isn't true.Those of us that are aware of the after burn effect know that high intensity interval training is the key to quicker weight loss. We also know that this training method takes up far less time than regular exercise does, and also gives faster results. For those that don't know about the after burn effect, it is essentially a state of increased metabolism (calorie burning) from performing high intensity exercise. It is possible for this increase in metabolism to last up to a day or two if done correctly.Benefiting From an 'Oxygen Debt'An after burn can occur from most physical exertion, whether this be from light jogging or all-out sprinting. However, lower intensity exercise will only create an after burn for a few seconds/minutes. Therefore the most effective way of getting a long-lasting after burn is to do high intensity training (HIIT).HIIT is a type of workout that consists of rapid intervals of high intensity exercise and brief rest periods. One quick example of a HIIT could be:
- 20 seconds of burpees
- 10 seconds rest
- Repeated for desired amount of reps
Burpees are just one example of a high intensity exercise, but you can choose any you like. The general rule though is that the exercise must be very intense and be anaerobic. You will know if the exercise is truly anaerobic if you struggle to speak in full sentences whilst performing the exercise.The reason why performing anaerobic exercise is a must is due to the effect it creates. An anaerobic workout will dramatically reduce the amount of oxygen you take in during the workouts, and therefore causes your body to make up for that deficit afterwards by taking in excess amounts of air. This effect is called an oxygen debt.The purpose of the oxygen debt is to normalize hormone levels, regain lost energy, and to oxidize lactic acid which is created in your blood. Basically your oxygen intake and need is substantially increased. It is during this period where the after burn effect takes place, which means the rate at which you burn off fat is increased. (Remember this can last up to 48 hours).There are two popular ways of creating this effect. Both ways require you to follow specific rules in order to create an effective after burn.The most common method is to perform very intense cardio exercise in intervals. This type of workout is great because it doesn't have to last hours like traditional cardio does. One example of this is a tabata workout, which consists of 8 sets of 20 second long cardio, separated by 10 second rest intervals, and only takes 4 minutes!Another great way to build up an after burn is to do weight lifting, particularly compound lifts. A compound lift is any weighted/resistance exercise that works more than one muscle group. For this method to work effectively, the weights should be heavy enough so that you hit muscle failure at somewhere between 6 - 12 reps. You can increase the effective further by performing supersets, which involves doing different lifts in a row without rest. (For example, 10 bench presses followed by 10 tricep extensions).A Word of Warning!All of the workout methods suggested above are intentionally and incredibly intense, so you should take great care not to overdo it, especially if you are a beginner. If you are new to these methods, work yourself slowly up to them until you are comfortable doing them without injuring yourself. Only you know what your body can handle, so take care!
How To Keep Weight Off After Losing It
How to keep the weight off after losing it is a big problem for a lot of people.This is most probably because they went on a quick weight loss diet. The problem is that it is not possible to keep a diet like this. Chances are they just found a diet that promised that you could lose weight quickly. These easy way to lose weight diets do not tell you that you will most probably put the weight back on just a quickly. The key to losing weight is to do it slowly.The first thing you need to do is to eat breakfast every morning.What is the healthiest breakfast?It should consist of something like oat meal and fruit to give you the energy to start your day and keep you feeling full. Remember you are eating for your health. Make sure that the foods are low in sugar and fat. Eating breakfast to lose weight is one of the essential things for weight loss.Next is your lunch time meal.You should always be thinking about what you should eat to lose weight. Think of these before you decide what to eat for lunch to lose weight. Your lunch time meal should contain protein and carbohydrates. Good ideas for a lunch time meals are things like cottage cheese on whole meal bread with some sort of salad or fruit. When it comes to drinks think about green tea or if it is hot then go for something like fruit cordial. Under no circumstances have fruit juice or a carbonated drink. These contain large amounts of sugar that will cause you to put ON weight.Next is your evening meal.This should be something like chicken with vegetables. Make sure though that you do not add any sauces. These tend to be very high in calories but have no nutritional benefit. It is the sauces that tend to make people put on weight. Try and avoid having a desert unless it is a piece of fruit. Deserts also tend to be high in calories.It is all these extra calories from foods that have no nutritional benefit that makes you slowly put on weight over a period of time.
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