Evolution Vs Revolution

Weight loss doesn't happen overnight, but the decision to change happens in an instant. It's really no different than any other decision to change. It's more than thinking about it, although that's where it often starts. It's more a decision to commit. Sometimes the decision to change starts off as nothing more than a passing thought in the back of your mind. Some thoughts disappear as quickly as they came and others grow into nagging desires.Once the light bulb comes on and you decide, I mean really commit, to making a change about something in your life, that is a revolution. It can even feel like an epiphany. It's the a-ha moment. Maybe you're fed up with your current situation or just want something else entirely different for yourself. Whichever it is, having a revolution means wanting the change badly enough to commit to completing the steps it will take to make that change a reality.The revolution is the kick-off to the evolution.Again, change doesn't happen overnight. Now the hard work kicks in. To really change something, especially your weight, you need to commit to a lifestyle change. Temporary solutions offer temporary results. Why bother? We're talking about permanent, healthy change. And that is definitely an evolution. You know your body will not magically transform overnight. Don't expect your habits and thoughts to, either. And both of those components are necessary to create lasting change.Let's look at your habits first. So many people set New Year's Resolutions to lose weight. It's become very cliche. Now that spring is here... how are you doing on that resolution? It's very difficult to wake up one morning and do everything differently than you did in the previous months and years. A healthy lifestyle includes eating the right foods in the right amounts and exercise, all on a regular basis. It takes a great deal of time and energy to make these changes. Some people are successful at it on a short-term basis. They can do enough of the right things for a week or two and maybe even see some results. However, much of the time these efforts slip and old habits return whether it be out of comfort, habit, social pressure or whatever.By changing your habits slowly, you give yourself the opportunity to build a healthy lifestyle in a sustainable manner.Small changes done one or a few at a time allow you to incorporate them into your daily routine and get used to them before taking on additional changes. It's not as disruptive or time consuming to learn a few things at a time versus having to work to learn all new recipes, habits, etc. at once.Now let's look at your thoughts. Your thoughts play a large role in weight loss. What kind of mind set are you in regarding the changes you're making? Consider what you are giving yourself versus what you are taking away from yourself. Try to frame your thoughts in a positive perspective versus a negative perspective.For example, what would you say to yourself and others if one of your changes was to not eat sweets like doughnuts for breakfast anymore? If someone brings a fresh, hot box of doughnuts into the office to help everyone beat the "Monday blues," and you know you need to politely decline, how do you word it? Do you say "No thanks, I've already eaten this morning." Or do you say "I wish I could but I'm on this stupid diet and I'm not allowed." One of these responses indicates that you gave yourself a nutritious breakfast at home or on the way to work that morning. The other indicates that you feel like you are depriving yourself of something you want.Whatever you think about will drive your actions.If you think about being healthy and eating the right foods, you will seek those things. If you allow yourself to be consumed by thoughts of foods that are detrimental to your health, you will crave them and eventually consume them.If you are overweight and want to become slimmer and healthier, then you must make changes in your lifestyle. The same actions that got you where you are today will not get you where you want to go. Creating a healthier lifestyle is a journey. Change doesn't happen overnight but the decision to can. If you've made that decision and are committed to it, congratulations. You've had a revolution. Awesome! Now you're ready to start your evolution. Ask yourself "What small changes am I willing to commit to this week? Month? Year?" Make a promise to yourself and keep it.