Mindset: A Key Factor in Weight Loss Success

Knowing what to do to achieve your health & fitness goals is simply not enough. You can find out anything you want to know 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. There is plenty of free information on the internet, in libraries, in clinics, and in schools. Yet, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one-third of adults and one sixth of children in America are obese. In the past twenty years, obesity rates doubled for adults and tripled for children. If these trends continue, by the time today's children reach adulthood, obesity will be the norm and healthy weight the exception. In fact, for the first time in our country's history, the current generation of children in America may have shorter life expectancies than their parents. How can that be when we live in the information age?It just proves my point that it takes more than knowing what to do. So then, what is the difference between two women looking at the exact same set of facts when one tackles her fitness goals successfully and the other tries and fails? Here's the difference: all other factors equal, their mindsets are different. That's it! No big secret.Let's take a look at a case study of mindset and the behaviors it creates.We'll call our fictitious participants Amy, the outstanding "A" student, and Felicia, the failing "F" student. How are their mindsets different from one another? Amy takes responsibility for where she is and where she wants to go. Felicia is likely playing a blame game and rejects responsibility for her circumstances. Amy sets realistic goals or milestones for a bigger goal and holds herself accountable. Felicia sets unrealistic goals and lets herself off the hook for not achieving them. Amy has a strong motivator, something important enough to her to get her to change her habits. Felicia's motivation is weak and temporary and she remains in the same old unsuccessful patterns that got her to where she is.All other things equal, mindset is the key difference as to why some women succeed at weight loss and others do not. The reasons above are just a few examples of how our mindsets are our biggest roadblock to losing weight and making healthier choices for ourselves.What can you do this week to improve your mindset? Try doing a journal entry and ask yourself "What is my biggest roadblock to losing weight?" Then make at least one small change this week to blast through that roadblock. You CAN do this! I know it.