Are You Holding Onto Your Weight On Purpose?

Have you ever given serious thought to why you have ups and downs when it comes to losing weight? When it comes to solving the weight problems we have, I find in most instances folks try to fix the problem before understanding the underlying root cause. The result of trying to fix something without understanding why it's happening is a temporary solution.In my experience, it's vitally important to understand why we do what we do before we can change what we do. So if you have struggled with losing weight and keeping it off perhaps it's time to take a step back and figure out what might be the reason for this? Could it be that you have a physical issue that's resulting in those excess calories you take in each day to stick around or is it a mental or emotional barrier you face? Are you holding onto the challenge of losing weight as an emotional crutch?One of the things that I think we all can agree on is that we are complicated and often confused individuals. Sometimes we can be very reason and illogical at the same time. For example, if you ask a repeat adulteress about their spouse they will tell you that they love and respect their spouse. Then when you ask they question, why and how can you repeatedly break their heart by having an affair, they look like a deer caught in the headlights.Unfortunately the same thing happens when it comes to losing weight. In the same day we can exercise in the morning and eat a healthy low-calorie breakfast but consume unbelievable amounts of fats and calories for lunch and dinner. The result at the end of the day is that we wipe out any attempt we put forth in the morning and in fact have basically negated our morning effort.If you find yourself doing this you it's a good idea to figure out how to stop doing so. You have to figure out why you don't have the will power to go one whole day without giving in to your cravings. You see if you can figure out how to eat right for one day then you can eat right for two days and so on and so on. If you are not holding onto your weight on purpose then this is something that you should be able to achieve.Do you have the will power to eat right for one day? You see your body and mind need to know that you are committed to the cause. If you keep sending mixed signals to your body and mind then perhaps you are holding onto your weight on purpose. If not then you should be able to consistently and purposefully lose the weight and keep it off.At times it's easy to make excuses for eating the wrong foods and eating them at the wrong time. If my relationship is stressing me out I can justify the unhealthy eating. If my stressful job is wearing thin on my patience then I find it easy to please my inner being by eating. So how do you get out of this cycle of unhealthy eating? Just break the pattern or habit.I know you are saying "I've tried that and it doesn't work or tell me something that I don't know".Well, I have heard that if you can sustain doing something for 7 days you have a good chance of continuing to do it. The question is, can you change your routine for 7 days? Can you limit yourself to eating smaller portions and avoiding spontaneous eating based on your emotional state of being? I think you can and when you do this, you will have the confidence and discipline you need to keep it going.You don't have to keep losing the battle with your body over your weight. You can let it go and bring back a little joy and peace of mind to your life. I'm a firm believer that you are not what you eat but you are how you feel. If you feel healthy and happy your eating and life habits will only get better.