Setting and Achieving My Weight Loss Goals

Battling the bulge has become a lifetime endeavor. The light bulb moment was realizing that the goals of a weight loss plan could affect the outcome. Goals that are too aggressive and unrealistic can undermine months of hard work. Well-planned, realistic goals keep dieters motivated and focused on the result. They include the changes necessary to live a healthier lifestyle. Understanding how to have high hopes without creating lofty goals that are unattainable changed my life forever.
My Approach To Establishing Weight Loss Goals
The process began with writing down all aspects of the goals and the plan to get there. This involved determining what equipment was needed and how to fit diet and exercise into my schedule. Setting "SMART" goals, which are specific, measurable, achievement-based, realistic, and time-oriented makes it easier to outline the particulars and track progress.
Establishing measurements involves determining how long and how many days a week to exercise and tracking progress. Weekly progress reviews made it easy to identify whether I had reached my goals for the week. Taking a deeper look at shortfalls helped me alter my plan to reach goals the following week. Goals should not exceed capabilities so they must be tailored to the personal situation. My plan was to lose between one and two pounds each week.
Timing is essential to the success of this plan because starting at the wrong time can result in failure. When establishing a start date, I considered demands from work and family obligations. An upcoming vacation made it necessary to push back the start date until my return. After this date was determined, my focus turned to establishing target dates for short-term and long-term goals.
Focus on the Process of Weight Loss
When attempting to lose weight, it is easy to focus on the outcome and neglect the process. However, process changes are the keys to losing weight. Changes to daily habits and behaviors must receive the most attention. For example, I focused exercising five days a week rather than concentrating on the goal of weighing 140 pounds. This allowed me to maintain desirable behavior even after the targeted goal was reached.
Setbacks are an inevitable result of changing behavior so expect them. The key is establishing plans to overcome them to avoid getting off course. As progress is made, reassessing goals and making adjustments will keep things moving in a positive direction. A new lifestyle may be the perfect foundation for tackling bigger challenges.