Weight Loss Incentives, How It Improves Your Health

Weight Loss Incentives.Weight loss incentives are a great way to achieve your weight loss goals.Why are they so important though?Lets us have a quick look at the facts.To begin with you need to think about before and after weight loss and how it can improve your health. Losing weight helps to improve your heart. If you are overweight, you body puts more strain on your heart. It makes it work harder with everyday simple tasks such as walking and generally moving around. The National Heart Foundation has reported that people with healthier hearts tend to live longer.Another factor to give you some incentive to lose weight is type 2 diabetes.The effects of type 2 diabetes can be nerve damage, kidney damage eye sight problems and many other problems for your body. Heart attacks are more common in people who are overweight. This is because they have high levels of cholesterol in their blood. High cholesterol and heart disease go hand in hand. This is because the cholesterol blocks the blood vessels in the body. This in turn restricts the blood flow to certain parts of the body. The first indication that you have a blood flow problem is usually pins and needles or tingling in the body. You can also feel dizzy and light headed. This is because the blood is having difficult circulating around the body. Your veins and arteries become blocked with cholesterol and so in effect they are smaller and can pump less blood around the body. Lack of blood to vital organs within the body can cause irreparable damage to organs such as the heart and kidneys.You do not have to be a super fit athlete to help alleviate these problems.The first and most important thing that you can do though is to start losing weight.There are many benefits to a weight loss program. For a start it will save you money. If you have no recent history of medical problems then your insurance will be cheaper for things like life cover. You will sleep better if you are not over weight. This is because you will be able to breathe easier. Losing weight will help you with your mobility and you will find that you do not get so breathless when you are doing everyday tasks.I hope you have found some of the weight loss incentives have given you a boost to starting a weight loss program.