Weight Loss Tips - The Top 10

Top 10 Weight Loss TipsLosing weight and keeping it off isn't difficult - all you need is a few changes and the motivation to get you started. Not sure where to begin? Have a look at these great tips for easy weight loss...1) Keep a Food and Exercise DiaryThis is a great way of keeping track of your foods, drinks and how much you have worked out over a week. Be honest with yourself and write down everything - even if you have a bad day.2) Exercise to Maintain Weight LossExercise helps you burn fat and calories and also helps boost your metabolic rate, even when you're resting so try to work your way up to doing a 30 minute workout 5 days a week.3) Measure Food Amounts at HomeWeigh out foods and don't eat too much of the 'wrong' thing. For example if a recipe tells you to use 2tbsp dressing, don't go over this as a few more excess measurements all adds up to excess calories.4) Still Eat Foods you LikeHave a rare treat so that you don't feel too deprived - just don't let a small treat turn into a big binge of crisps, chocolate, alcohol and fast food - you'll destroy all the hard work you've put in!5) Think Long Term - Not Short TermLosing weight fast is what everyone wants, but losing weight slowly actually allows your body to adjust and keep weight off for longer. Set goals for losing weight but think of it as a long term venture.6) Savour Your FoodWhen you eat - enjoy it! Chew and enjoy the textures and flavours of your food - this will keep you fuller for longer and will reduce the likelihood of you reaching for the unhealthy snacks later.7) Increase Workout IntensityAs a beginner you may be able to manage short workouts 2-3 times a week. Find the time to exercise and gradually increase your workout program to help you keep the weight off.8) Keep MotivatedBuy yourself treats such as new clothes to celebrate your weight loss, work towards your goals such as having energy to play in the garden with your children - anything that keeps you motivated.9) Weigh Yourself Once a WeekWeighing yourself everyday is a bad idea - weight fluctuates when muscle mass etc is varying. Have a weekly weigh in (i.e. on Monday morning before breakfast) and use it as motivation for the next week's weight loss.10) Enjoy Your Workout!Performing the same workout day after day means that your body gets used to it, therefore making it less effective each time you do it. Varying your workout keeps it exciting and if you're enjoying it, you're more likely to put more effort in. Go cycling, swim, do dance classes, play football in the park, go jogging and mix up your workout regime and your body will continue to burn fat.