Eat Carbs and Still Stay Slim

Aside from smartphones, food is also a basic necessity. Kidding aside, food is needed by every living organism to survive. The maxim "You are what you eat" is not just something made up as a witty phrase; it is literal in its every sense. The food we eat serves as the raw materials to build our body. You can actually say that your massive gluteus maximus is made up from the porterhouse steak you ate 3 years ago. Admittedly, we all love eating. Eating is fun, exciting, gratifying, and every adjective that suggests pleasure. However, if you are one of the people who plan to lose weight, then cutting down on luscious eating and satisfying your cravings are a must according to your fitness plan. There is no need to be sad, for there are still ways for you to enjoy carbs while still losing weight. Here's how.1. Find a good timing. Timing is everything, and children know this very well. They know when to strike to get us into buying them the in demand latest gadgets. And now let's get down to business. Several studies show that it's better to eat more calories on your lunchtime than at supper, so your lunchtime is your perfect excuse to binge on your carbohydrate-filled cravings.
2. Choose wisely. Carbohydrates are basically divided into two groups: simple and complex carbohydrates. The former is the type which is easily metabolized by the body causing a rapid spurt in blood glucose levels, but it in turn causes you to feel hungry faster as well. Complex carbs, on the other hand, take more time to be used by the body; that is why they have higher satiety value than simple sugars.
3. Mix and match. Carbs are calorie-dense foods, and taking them solely will make you end up consuming more calories than planned. It's better to mix a slab of protein or fresh greens with your meals to hit your satiety at its peak, leaving your stomach bulked up and your hunger satisfied.
4. Go for the healthier versions. Whenever you are satisfying your cravings, go for something healthier for less calories consumed and less guilt. Let's take mac and cheese for example; whenever you are planning to satisfy your craving for this cheesy goodness, choose the lower-calorie version like the butternut squash variant instead of the full cream one. This way you get to hit two birds with one stone.
5. Change your serving plates. Carbs per se are not the culprit behind your ineffective weight loss; it's the enormous portion that's to blame for staying the same. Use smaller serving plates to make servings look bigger than they really are. You can also try having your sandwich open-faced to eat only half the amount of bread versus a regular-stacked sandwich.
6. Eat a fibrous fruit. Fruits are healthier versions of carbohydrate-filled foods. Aside from the sugars they contain, they are also rich in a lot of valuable vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and of course fiber.