The Art of Fitness and Diets

The Right Diet PlanWhat is the CKD Diet? It wouldn't make sense to write an entire article about this particular plan without at least giving you a brief outline of what it actually consists of. As you will soon discover, this is not considered an easy plan to stick to. It is considered a more extreme diet that is mainly used by competing bodybuilders because of the extreme results it produces in the minimum amount of time. By now, I'm sure that I have your attention. The analogy I like to use when explaining how this diet works is a car analogy. Imagine if you could choose which type of fuel you wanted to use for your car... if it was cheaper now to use diesel, then you could use diesel; if not, then you could use gasoline. Your choice entirely. This is sort of how the CKD Diet works. Your body is now using carbohydrates for fuel. However, it also has the ability to use FAT for fuel. Imagine being able to burn all of that excess body fat all day long just by telling your body that you want to use fat for fuel, instead of carbohydrates.So how do you tell your body that you want to switch to sing fat for fuel? Amazingly, it is done by eating more fat! Once your daily diet consists of about 60% fat, 35% protein and less than 5% carbohydrates (the less the better; ideally, 0% is best), it gives your body the signal to change its fuel type. The actual process is actually more complicated than that, but the purpose of this article is not to go into the specifics. The purpose is to make you aware of the logistics that also come along with this extreme plan; which are often ignored, and are very often a cause of failure. So let's move on to the important stuff...The Right PersonWho should start the CKD Diet? Almost everyone wants to lose SOME body fat. Almost everyone wishes they could change SOMETHING about their appearance that is related to diets or fitness. So those simple questions are no good here. The successful CKD Dieter will possess more than just a "want to be better looking" attitude. You must have desire and determination. It is this combination of emotions and mindset that will get you through those challenging times where your will power is tested; and there will be more than one instance. It is far too easy to destroy your progress with this particular fitness plan. Although it includes two "carb reload days," you can be assured that those carbohydrate cravings may still persist throughout the week. That is when the true test begins. And the fruits of your labor will be a direct indicator of how strictly you have managed to follow this diet.The Right PlaceEnvironment will (and almost always does) play an important role in the amount of success you enjoy. Being surrounded by party animals who focus each waking moment on the next time they will be able to "party like a rock star" will definitely hinder your progress. Likewise, laid back friends who rarely see any project through to completion will also eat away at your initial determination to improve yourself. The CKD Diet is a fine example of a project that ties into your inner goals and ambitions and requires real effort and determination all the way to the end. By the way, "the end" is not a fixed place. It is simply a physical state that you want to reach. You may decide on a certain body fat percentage goal, or a total body mass goal. It will vary for each individual. Also, just because you made it to the end does not mean you are finished and can let all of your hard work go down the toilet... on the contrary, it is up to you now to maintain this magnificent sculpted body of yours.The Right TimeThe right time is equally as important as the other two things described above. It can refer to the right time of day, or even the right time in your life. Are you at a moment in your life where you can devote yourself to a goal and see it through to the end without being distracted? This can be a tough question to answer because distractions often do not warn you before arriving. Your drive and ambition simply have to overpower any and all distractions until your routine becomes ingrained into your current lifestyle. Once your new diet and fitness way of life becomes habitual, every day distractions become easier and easier to deal with.As for the right time of day, it ties into the habit conversation we just had above. Make a routine that you can easily stick to. This is especially important in the early stages of your new plan. That is when it is easiest to give up because everything wasn't exactly perfect. All of the lights weren't green so you decided not to even begin your journey. This is a very common pitfall that snares a vast majority of people in any new endeavor. The truth is that it will never be the "right" time to begin anything new. You just have to start. Once you start, you then have to learn how to roll with the punches and stick it through the hard times. Once you are clear of the rough patches and have set your routine, you then have to keep it up and don't slow down just because you see some improvement. Use that improvement as fuel and re-ignite your passion to continue on at full pace.