The "secrets" of weight loss

The "secrets" of weight loss

People have started to ask me what my secret is.  "How do I lose weight like you do?"

As near as I can tell, here are the "secrets."

1.) Motivation.  You either have this or you don't. You either want to lose weight, or you don't. That's something that comes from within, you can't make yourself lose weight. You have to want to do it.

2.) Avoid getting hungry and eat early and often.  I eat 6 meals a day and about 2,400 calories a day. That's actually a fair amount of food.  If you portion your food, measure it and keep a food diary, you will be able to eat all day.

3.) Eat breakfast.  A nurse in the hospital told me that all the heavy people she knew didn't eat breakfast.  When you don't eat breakfast, you start out the day starving. Bad idea. The hunger builds throughout the day and by the nighttime, you've not eaten much all day and start binging. At least that's what I used to do.

4.) Pay attention to what you eat and what's in it. You can really eat just have to realize what you're eating.

5.) Don't go to extremes. Don't starve yourself. Don't work out like a maniac. All you're doing is setting yourself up for failure. You can't push a button and drop 100 pounds.  However, if you do have a button like that, send me an e-mail.

6.) Weight is lost at the dinner table more than it is in the gym. I don't work out, I just walk a couple times a week and take the stairs.

So there you have it: my weight loss secrets. Boring, huh? Sorry.