Weight Loss Behavior Plan - With 5 Tips To Get Started

Congratulations! If you're reading this, you've just made a positive decision that will change your life. Before making any drastic changes, take some time to assess a personal, safe, nutritious, weight loss behavior plan.The first and safest stop on the way to losing weight is the family physician or primary care physician. For those with diabetes and other serious health conditions should get their physician's approval before starting any eating regimen.Many people have struggled with overweight problems their entire life. For about 40% of all Americans, obesity is a problem. Most people get to the point where they cannot afford a new wardrobe. Many men and women have tried some of the most ridiculous diets. Stop the presses! Everybody has a diet. That diet is either good, or bad. But one thing is for sure is everybody has a diet.At this time of year, many people are trying to lose weight for swimsuit season. Too many people lose weight in the first part of the year, and end up regaining that same weight or more in the fall/winter of that same year. Maybe these four tips can help anyone who wants to develop a good diet.A safe, nutritious, weight loss plan, without breaking the bank, is what is needed. Some of you are probably shaking your heads right now. These four things are free and people can start experiencing success now. Nothing is better than free!Tip #1: Make up your mind, your will, and your emotions to do this absolutely selfish change so that your health is not jeopardized. This is not a diet. Everybody has a diet. The success of any weight loss program is a permanent change in eating behavior. Your life may depend on it, so make it a mind set and stack the cards in your favor!Tip #2: Weigh and measure yourself on the same day and time each week, and document it. Many who've lost weight, and kept it off, adopted this Monday morning behavior. One person recently said that it helped her to designate Monday each week as weigh-in day because mentally it helped her not to "binge" on the weekend. The experts tell us that five pounds is three inches. This is an overall measurement i.e., calf of your legs, your hips, your waist, your chests, your neck.Tip #3: Let's say that, at first, you can make only one small change. For the next week, baking, broiling, sautéing, brazing, grilling, or barbequing your entrees is a great alternative and you don't have a greasy kitchen to clean. Cholesterol is a deadly fact. Yes, there are medications that can treat high cholesterol, but why not change a bad eating behavior for a good eating behavior. Your life may depend on it, so make it a mind set and a permanent change in your eating behavior. Many people that no longer fry their meat say that they can taste, really taste their meat.Tip #4: Pick small battles that can win a war. One family member shared that her first point of attack was to modify the amount of refined, white sugar that she used. Start for two or three consecutive days and add a little less sugar. Some people may find that they can use a little less and a little less until they only use a half-teaspoon. A lot of people think that when they give up sugar, they have to immediately change from regular soft drinks to diet soft drinks sweetened with artificial sweeteners. Let's face it, soft drinks are not healthy, and so nobody really needs to drink a lot of canned drinks anyway. Consider replacing most of your soft drinks. Apple juice, orange juice, carrot juice, peach nectar or pear nectar, tomato, or V8 juice can replace most of today's soft drinks.If you are diabetic or have other serious medical conditions, please start with your primary care physician before changing any eating regimen.Tip #5: Everybody goes to the grocery store maybe two times a week. Make a conscious decision to deliberately park across the parking lot from where you expect to enter and exit. This is free and walking increases metabolism. Nobody has to run a marathon, but by incorporating a moving activity such as walking. Grab a buggy a good distance to the entrance and walk, not run, walk to the entrance. There are neighbors who have told other neighbors about walking through the subdivision. Remember: Start a small distance, and, as your endurance increases, walk for longer distances. Do this at your own pace. When a person is walking and begins to sweat, stop. Use this as when to stop. But walking is absolutely free!