Write A Weight Loss Blog - It's A Sure Way Drop Some Pounds

One sure way to stick to your diet is to write a blog. When you have a following, it is pretty difficult to stop your weight loss program after only one week.In your blog, document what's going on every day. What are you eating? What kind of exercise are you doing? How do you feel? Let's face it, half the world seems to be on some sort of diet at all times. Most fail because they have no real plan or commitment. However, if you're writing about your experience on a daily basis, it provides more than just a little incentive to continue. You might even pick up a sizable following.The safe way to do this is to make it clear from the beginning that there is a finite timeline. Have a starting point and an ending point. You can always extend it if you feel like it. And, don't stretch your timeline out very far - 3 to 4 weeks is a reasonable length. Longer than that and you might get tired of writing every day and you might even get tired of your diet.If you include exercise in your program, go very slowly. Don't burden yourself with high intensity routines or things that require hours to do. You will find that a little exercise on a regular basis will do wonders and if you keep it simple and easy the odds of maintaining it increase considerably.Plan an entire week's menu in advance and duplicate it every week. This really works if you are on a short-term weight loss program of 3 to 4 weeks. You won't get bored and it takes the stress out of wondering what to eat today. Include in your menu foods that you really enjoy that are not high in calories.Pick a weight goal to shoot for and don't make it too tough to meet. With any effort at all you can lose a pound a week. That's 52 pounds a year. Paint a mental picture of yourself at your ideal weight and visit that picture often.Don't put a lot of pressure on yourself. Delight in the ride. If you pick foods you like and do easy exercises you might discover that you actually enjoy this new lifestyle. And, when you are writing about it you could be helping other people who need a mentor like you.You can actually have a lot of fun creating your own weight loss plan. Losing weight is certainly not magic. You simply burn more calories than you take in. Search the Internet and find out how many calories it takes to maintain your ideal weight - the weight you want to be. Then just eat a little less than that every day and do a little exercise and you're on your way.